Chapter 1: The Cheater

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Percy had just got back from a quest to earn Annabeths hand in marriage. He walked around camp half blood looking for her nobody he asked seemed to know where she was. Although he gave up on trying to find the perfect ring he had the hephestus (An: sorry If I spell things wrong it is my first fanfic) cabin make for him it was an elegant white gold ring. In the middle of the ring as a small diamond on either side was a dolphin curled around it to make a heart. As percy approached the beach he saw two people making out. The girl was Annabeth and she was making out with some Apollo kid. Percy was so mad he threw the ring on th ground as a hurricane was forming around him. Annabeth looked up to see him and said "it's not what it looks like percy." Really what is it then annabeth you were forced yea right. Percy says sarcasm dripping from is tone. Percy ran to the posidion cabin and grabbed his stuff. He left camp to go say goodbye to his mother sally. When percy reached th apartment his mom and Paul lived in he knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer no one did

Mom percy called again no one answers so he opens the door to the apartment and he walks into the living room he sees something he never thought could have ever happened. His Mom and Paul were laying on the floor surrounded by blood. There was a note on the table from annabeth. It read

Dear percy

I decided that since I can't have a family you can't either

Love your ex annabeth

Percy pov

Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me. I hail a cab to take me to Olympus. To take me to death to peace. As I ride to the 600th floor of the empire state building I think about what to say to my dad he will freak but I will die today. Today I will be a legend in the demigod world and a myth in the mortal one.

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