ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6:

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Dhruv POV:

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Dhruv POV:

"Its ok as long as you let me work and don't intervene in my matters; everything is fine" She spoke in a monotone, and I concurred in response. Her demeanor shifted from joyous to subtly wounded upon hearing my words. I couldn't pinpoint why, but witnessing her distressed expression evoked a discomfort deep within me. I instantly regretted speaking to her like that but what can I even do. I don't want her to have any false remarks about this marriage and simply want to clarify that I may not provide the love she deserves.

"So if we are clear we can leave now" I said, and without casting a single glance at my way, she promptly rose from her seat. I noticed her quickening pace, as though she was eager to flee the premises without delay. Her evident distress left me somewhat puzzled as of why she was behaving so impatient. Somewhere it ached my heart thinking that I might be the reason for this. Maybe I shouldn't have said it to her like that. She quickened her speed and I saw she was bout to hit the pillar in front of her.

"Pari slow down you will fa-" I couldn't complete my sentence and observed her striking her leg, nearly stumbling to the ground. In no moments I grabbed her and pulled her in my arms, the heat of her breath striking like fire on my chest while her eyes were shut. My heart raced wildly as I felt her embrace so close to me. She finally looked into my eyes and I could feel the heat surrounding my body. She looked stressed out yet managed to look so beautiful. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight, while her lips glistened with gloss.

She attempted to shift her position but quickly lost her balance, on the verge of stumbling once more. I had no choice but to lift her in my arms not letting her escape.

"Ouch" her knee was bleeding making her lips form a pout because of pain. This is so silly yet so adorable. I just wanted to pinch her cheeks but I resist myself from doing that. For now I focused my attention to take care of her and return her back to her home safely.

"Bring some first aids" I ordered one of my guards and he brought some ointments immediately.

I carefully treated her wounds and drove her back to home safely. She thanked me and looked a bit more cheered than before making me sigh in relief.


As I drove down the dimly lit road, the soft hum of the engine filled the silence of my car. My mind was constantly recollecting yesterday's incident and her gleaming aura had me rethinking all the words I spoke to her about. Suddenly, a familiar ping of a message notification breaks through the tranquility. With a quick glance at the phone mounted on the top, I saw the name of the one whom I least expected to be on the screen. Once again a mix of emotions stirred within me.

Why is she messaging all of a sudden. Its been 2 fucking years she had left me. Why now?

With hesitance, I reached out to pick up my phone, my grip tightening on the steering wheel as I contemplate whether to open the message or ignore it and focus on the road ahead.

"I am waiting in your company's garage...There is something I need to talk to you" was all she send in that message.

This is unexpected. Why the fuck she is here?! Ghosting me was not enough or what that she came back. I was trying to move on and now she wants to talk? Urghh!!!

I arrived at my company and made my way towards the parking area. I was still hesitating on meeting her. She was standing still, her face was showing some kind of distress and anxiety. As I approached her, memories of our past together flooded my mind. She was still the same as I saw her last time. Even though it's been two years since we broke up, I still can't forgive her for leaving me without explanation. Maybe it was for him? Who knows?

Her eyes lit up with joy when she saw me, evoking a wave of emotion that made me want to hug her tightly. She attempted to embrace me, but I hesitated, resisting any kind of attachment towards her. After all what she did I refused to pardon her for that.

"What do you want?" I asked in a blank expression thinking what she was about to say next.

"I wanted to see you Dhruv. I mean its been years I haven't heard about you. How are you?" A smile of amusement broke free as I listened to her reply. I know she had other reasons to meet me and not just that. Her eyes held an emotional gaze, as if filled with regret for everything that had transpired.

"Just get to the point Akshara. I'm not hear for some chit chat and all, at least not with you." Lies, all lies. I really wanted to talk to her and ask her the reason why she left me.

"You are getting married?"

"Yes and?"


"Umm why not?" I was puzzled by her level of concern regarding this matter.

"I heard the announcement of your marriage. I mean is she good to you? Do you both like each other? When did this all happened?"

"I don't feel obligated to share my personal matters with you, and I'm curious why you're so interested in my actions?"

"Dhruv, you and I were together before I-"

"Yes it was past Akshara, you broke our relationship and its been 2 fucking years now."

A moment of silence paused in our surroundings and then she finally spoke-

"Does she know about us?"

"No" I said as the level of frustration grew upon me.


"Again I don't feel the need to answer you about this matter"


"Listen Akshara, I don't know why you are wasting your time here but let me be clear; I don't want you to interfere in any of my matters as you are no one to question me what I do and what not. So if we are done i can-"

"He will come back next month" she said leaving me slightly surprised. Urgh that guy. The one I dreaded most among all my rivals. He still thinks that my family is the reason for his miserable life which is totally false. I don't know how to get that man to his conscience but I'm sure its going to be a long run.


"What you mean by so? You clearly know that he hates you and your family. Don't you think you should be careful? He might harm you and your family anytime if he gets the chance and-"

"I will handle this issue on my own you don't need to concern yourself about it. Now I shall take my leave" with that I departed the area as soon as possible, feeling suffocated at the thought of lingering there for even a moment longer. Suddenly, my mind filled with the thoughts of Parineeti, triggering memories of yesterday's incident. An instant a smile creeped within me making me look like an idiot. Her cute little presence and her sweet voice was becoming my new obsession. Yet, my heart remains unresponsive to any feelings for her beyond mere physical attraction.

On one hand, there's Akshara, for whom my heart still beats with the same love, even if I claim to have moved on. I still think about the wholesome moments we had together. Today, my heart was stirred, and meeting her after so long stirred up emotions within me.

On the other hand, there's Parineeti, the one I'm going to marry. My heart and mind are truly toying with me.

And now, I'm faced with a new dilemma: my worst rival who has made his will to destroy me.

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