♦3 The order♦

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I was in a bad mood. Marila cried when we said goodbye to each other. I will probably miss her. Maybe Brant too.

I stoped my canineth Jarwin at the front gate and jumped off him. Normaly they wouldn't waste these expensive animals on me. But I think Sazilo in the end felt a little bad for me, so he gave me one.

Jarwin was a little weird, he was really small and too light. His eyes were blue instead of the usual brown, black or red. His coat was pastel brown with white around his neck and legs, his tail short and his barking sounded more like that of a donkey. We were both just trash, so they got rid of us.

I knocked on the iron gate, and waited. Snowflakes were falling on my gloves, and I was starting to get cold. Will someone open the damn gate?! I noticed I can see my breath in the freezing air, and got angrier.

Jarwin pricked up his ears and a second later I heard someone steps, followed by metal clang and than the gate finally opened.

Before me stood an old lady in thick winter coat. Before I had the chance to say anything, she abruptly said.

"Come inside." I wanted to tell her something, but I was freezing, and Jarwin started to yank on rope I was holding him with, so I glared at her instead and stepped inside.

The snow had gotten worse. The wolf's stomping has added to the sound of my footsteps on the stone pavement.

The grumpy lady went into some building, and stable boy took Jarwin and told me to go wait inside the main house.

Then I was told to sit down, be quiet, and wait. I was tired after sixteen hours long journey, so I didn't protest.

I turned around to see, there were a lot of people in my age group, looking sleepy and bored, but still nervous in some way. I dozed off.

I woke up because someone yelled something at us. When I opened my eyes, it seemed there were a lot of new people there, and someone had come to organize us or something. I must had slept for a few hours.

"It's midnight so equinox had ended. We will begi-"

One red-haired girl lifted her hand, she looked scared. Her parents probably left her here and didn't explained anything, if people like this even deserved to be called parents.

"Wha... What is t-this place?" she asked quietly, her voice shaking nervously. Kind of pathetic.

The man sighed, he seemed tired too and if I wasn't mistaken, there was vein popping up on his forehead. His colleague encouraged him by nodding, so he started explaining in monotone voice.

"This place is a church of Psychic order. We develop here certain abilities, to enhance your mind powers. Telekinezis, telephaty, but most importanly, and achievable by a waste like you," he looked down on us with disgust, "...shielding your mind. You will be trying to master the first tier of our order. You can than choose to continue in studying in more advanced powers, or be like everyone else and try becaming a Spectre killer. "

"They need this knowledge because, as you all know, when killing Specters in their home dimension. Every dead human there, makes Spectre multiply. They're like parazites, invading minds and humans are good hosts. When you can' shield your mind properly, they will invade you, even when you're conscious. So that's why not anyone can became a killer."

I sighed, perhaps too loudly, I was so fucking bored. The guy explaining all the stuff didn't notice me, instead he abruptly glared at the red-haired girl.

"To master the first tier of our order you have to pass countless trials and tests of survival and let me tell you, there's around one hundred of you kids, hoping to became famous by killing specters, but the trial will survive only five of you at most."

The room filled with silence.

I coughed and ruined the moment for everyone. Not that I cared.

They finally let us go rest. I fell on the mattress they called a bed and put my arms under my head. Since I got here, I didn't had a chance to think about it.

I was too used to think that I will die sooner than I had the chance to live properly, that I didn't allow myself to have any goals or wishes.

But the longer I thought about it. About myself, I started to accept that I maybe I would like to try pass the trials. Even though I may die in the process, because of my damn prophecy. I noticed the slow breathing of others sleeping in the same room as me, and shortly after, fell asleep myself. 

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