Chapter 1.

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You and choso dont get along...No not at all, no matter how hard you try you always end up at eachthers throats. No matter how hard you try to like him, even for the sake of your team it never works out, you two always bicker and argue for the smallest incoviences to the point everyone finds it irriating, they cant stand you two, like AT ALL, but just your luck! youve been paried with the only one you despise...the one and only choso kamo.

You were minding your own buissness until a team disscussion was called, you arrived at the designed spot. Waiting patiantly for the others, soon they all got there, you're eyes shot to choso, just you're luck he was also glaring at you. A few minutes in the others noticed that you and choso did ntohing but shoot glares at eachother the whole disscussion, so one of the members decided to speak up about it.(mitso.)

"Goddamn it! can you two stop acting like children and try to get along!?"

says mitso, wich made you and choso snap out of the glaring competition.

"not my fault."                                                                                                                                                                           

You say in an attempt to defend yourself wich was immediately shot down by choso with a snap.

"shes the one glaring at me. Im not a child, she is."                                                                                                 

Choso says with a snap, it was clear by the tone in his voice he got highly irritated by her, he looks away with a huff and a slight mumble that could be heard until you decided to push his buttons and tease.

"hm? what was that choso? are you that much of a little bitch you cant say it out loud-"                     

You're comment got instantly cut off by choso's raised voice.

"i said you're a useless pathetic bitch. Is that clear enough for you?"                                                             

He says with a raised voice, it was clear y/n was pissing him off, and he hated how much she clearly affected him, but that didn't mean hes going to take any of her bullshit any further.

"well someones pissy, see mitso? hes the one not engaging correctly."                                                        

You take this chance to try defend yourself as if you're not the one who just made choso burst out in a shout.

"Y/n. You know damn well you stared it, just try to get along for once, for the sake of this mission please for Gods sake!"                                                                                                                                                          

Mitso raises his voice so it can get through to both of you. When it eventually did you two blew up with questions.

"what? what mission!" " no way what are you talking about!?" " HELL NO!"                                              

You and Choso shout at mitso, he looks at both of them with a glare before speaking up and saying:

" you two have been selected for a special mission only you two can complete, we all talked about it and theres no way around it. Please for the sake of this mission try getting along. You two are the only compatiable are the only hope we have now for this mission."                

Mitso's voice went from frustrated to pleading in a couple seconds,it was clear this mission was a big deal to all of the members. It seemed very serious...Like if miso is pleading for them to get along just this once, it must be a big deal since he never pleads with anyone.

You and choso look at eachother for a split second before shouting out:


Suddenly mitso lost all patience with both of them..Honestly who wouldn't.

"You two are doig this wether you like it or not. This is no longer up for disscussion."

He says in a sharp tone glaring at both of them, its clear hes done with thier bickering. They have no choice anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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