003 : Oscorp Isn't What It Seems

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CHAPTER 3: Oscorp Isn't What It Seems —

Peter hummed as he walked into the apartment late at night. He was over at Ned's house for some star wars movie watching. The door closed behind him as he quietly noticed the light coming from the screen. A smile played his lips as he found his Aunt May laying on the rugged couch.

He grasped a quilt blanket at her legs and fluffed it against her body. His lips kissed her forehead before walking towards the kitchen. He was hungry. Peter watched as his toast heated inside the silver toaster.

The food popped up, startling the teenager rather easily. He hummed as he placed the hot food in a paper plate, "Best day of my life~"

The moon peered through the windows and onto his legs. His shoes were tattered, tapped in some sections and they were dirtied, busted to limits. But, he hadn't the money to buy new ones. Maybe with his job he could earn more money to buy better things.

His phone rang loudly, causing Peter to scramble into his bedroom. He didn't want to wake up his aunt right now, not after all the work she does. "Ned, why're you calling this late?"

"Sorry, just the fact that I got to meet Harry Osborn!?" The boy on the other line of the phone yelled. His voice was loud and screeched, probably hoarse from screaming.

"Ya, ya that's great and all— wait," the young boy stopped in his tracks. He lost his footing and tripped over a pair of black shoes, "fuck.. anyways. Did you say you met Harry Osborn? As in.. Harry. Osborn??"

Harry Osborn was the son of the CEO of Oscorp. The dude was a legend, with being one of the smartest teenagers to exist, it was really aspiring to meet him. He was supposedly very kind to anyone, and helped the poor when he could.

"Obviously! He's super nice. Had a large, rather fake smile. But maybe his face is just shaped that way..." Ned Leeds trailed on. Peter frowned, a fake smile is never nice. There really isn't much to explain on that, it's just pure...well, the word is gone from Peter's brain now.

"Look, Ned. I've dealt with guys like that...their smiles are like— practiced. Just— be careful when you're around him," Peter mumbled. He was still seated against the floor with a sock against his hair. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as Ned protested, "I don't want to lose my brother. You're family to me, so please, just be cautious."

"You're like a bro to me too, Pete. I promise to be careful, just because I trust you so much. Now— I gotta go. My grandma made my favorite," Ned sighed in return. It was better than nothing, so Peter mumbled back a goodbye as the line hung up.

His eyes dropped towards the ground, staring at the 'Employees needed' poster from Oscorp. He was the one who mentioned the internship to Ned first, so why did he feel so confident that something was wrong? Peter doesn't understand what, but something about that company felt...wrong. It felt out of place, but it isn't understood on what it is. His eyes glared at the sign, just biting his lip in anger. His Spidey senses weren't exactly helpful, they just warned him of danger and where it came from so he could dodge it, but it doesn't actually tell him.

Peter changed into some sweatpants and his usual Captain America shield shirt. It was old and dirty, smudges of dirt lying on it with a few holes against his collar. His sweatpants were covered in confetti from his Aunt surprising him on his birthday. Sometimes, you could find some pen markings that were written down for groceries.

Peter sighed, landing on his bed and then scooting close to the bed frame. He snuggled close to his fluffed pillow and yawned. His mouth closed once more and closed his eyes. There was nothing better than a lot of sleep, and that was what he planned on doing for a few hours.


The morning peered in, Peter's alarm clock blaring into his ears. His chocolate eyes blinked open, squinting at the bright sun. A yawn escaped his lips, a voice crack rumbling his throat. His eyes widened as his throat caught a bug, a small choke escaped him as his face turned red.

"Peter? I made you some toast. It may be burnt but— ya," His aunt's voice smoothed against his ears. It was hollow as she walked the halls. Her red hair peaked in before her body did too. A nervous smile came onto her face, causing Peter to laugh softly.

"It's all good, May. But, uh, I gotta get going..Promised Ned I'd meet him at his house. Love you so much, and don't worry, I have a job now, I want you to relax once I get my paycheck," Peter sighed. His hands were quick to move, swiftly putting his jacket on and pulled his shoes on. On his way out of the room Peter plastered a kiss on her cheek and forehead. With a swirl of movements Peter was able to grasp his keys and his backpack.

Soon enough Peter as outside his apartment and moving towards Ned's house. Police officers waved, giving the boy moments to catch their breaths before he sped along. Markets opened just as sunlight began brightening. A hustled sigh escaped his pink, cold cheeks as he turned corners.

"Dude!" Ned's voice laughed once the dark brown door was opened. The boy's face lit up brightly, making Peter laugh as well. The two were like twins, always knowing what the other would do.

"Dude," Peter responded swiftly. The two boys hugged, squeezing their backs together. Once they parted, the two teenagers began to walk. Soon their conversation resumed of Oscorp itself. Ned explained how he was being too cautious and needed to relax. In return Peter held his hands up in defense, "I'm just telling you.. something's up. Harry's odd, and I just don't know. Like I said, be careful. Anything weird happens, just know I have your back, so does..spidey."

The two had a code for the Spiderman talk, but not usually used. However, Ned just nods, trusting his senses. With nothing more to talk about the two walk into the school. Teenagers bustled around, finding their own groups to weave into. Unlike the rest of them, Peter and Ned didn't have a group to stick with. It was only the duo, and occasionally Michelle, MJ.

With heavy sighs, the two walked towards their lockers that were tucked into corners, occasionally waving at a few acquaintances. MJ, a quiet woman, walked towards them, waving in acknowledgment, "Sup, Losers."

"Good to see you too, MJ," Ned mumbled with a grin. She was kind enough, which was a win on Ned and Peter's friend card. Gum laid on her lips as she began to speak, "Flash is currently in Hawaii. So no bothering anybody on his behalf, but Mr. Wanker in science has a surprise test."

"Oh, relax. It won't be hard, just quick and simple," Peter assured Ned's panicking antics. He handed his friend a chocolate bar, letting him eat it before they walked into the classroom. Don't be fooled, his name isn't actually Mr. Wanker, but some people just enjoyed the name because he seemed crazy enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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