Chp 1: Another Day in the Park

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   The rain spattered onto the windshield as I drove through the dense jungle. The ride was bumpy and uneven. How could it not be? I wasn't driving on pavement or a dirt road. I was driving through the Tyrannosaur paddock. It was a dangerous task but nothing I wasn't trained for. The task was simple: Locate the damaged motion sensor and repair. It was simple, easy even... Except this damn storm!

??? OC: Y/N, do you copy? 

   The radio on the dashboard crackled as I heard the familiar voice of my colleague, Davis. He was driving around in the paddock as well. His task was to unclog the water pipes leading to the water supply. The water contained Lysine and without it, the T Rex would die in a matter of days. I reached to the hand mic and held it up to my mouth.

Y/N OC: Davis, this is L/N. I read you, over.

Davis OC: I got the pipes unclogged. Looks like the storm must've filled them with debris.

Y/N OC: The engineer team needs to come up with something to prevent that. Thats the third time we've had to manually unclog the damn things.

Davis OC: You're right about that. I'm heading back to the gate now.

Y/N OC: Alright, I'm coming up to the motion sensor now. I'll radio to you when I'm done.

Davis: OC: Roger that. Remember, if you see or hear the T Rex nearby, turn the jeep off and stay perfectly still until it goes away.

Y/N OC: I know I know. Don't worry, we'll get beers when we're done. Out.

   I hung the radio back onto the dashboard and continued driving through the jungle. After a minute or two, I came to a clearing and my eyes fell upon a tall metal antenna with a circular base. It was the motion sensor. I pushed on the breaks and stopped forty feet away from the motion sensor. 

I can do this... I can do this...

   I stepped out of the jeep and immediately felt my body go cold from the rainwater. Every step I took felt uneven as I felt my boots sunk into creamy black mud. The more I looked at the sensor, the more I noticed the damage on it. A metal plate was torn off the side and the circuits were spewing out sparks. I put my work gloves on and got to work. I grabbed the radio on my hip and switched the frequency, all the while I kept my eyes on the wood lines.

Y/N OC: Weaver, you there?

Weaver OC: Yeah man, what can I do for you?

Y/N OC: I need you to cut power to sensor four.

Weaver OC: No problem, man. Give me a second.

   Within seconds, the circuits ceased to spew out sparks. Weaver was one of the electrical mechanics working at the power station. He would always be on standby whenever we did tasks like this. I reached for the board and yanked out of the metal frame. I examined the circuit board and smiled. I had the replacement for it in the back of the jeep. I turned around and started back when I stopped in my tracks. Along with the rain, I heard the sound of heavy steps in the trees somewhere nearby. I scanned the area for a moment but I didn't see anything. I continued to walk to the jeep. I came around back and opened the trunk. I tossed the broken board in and pulled out the new one. Before closing the trunk, I stared at the rifle case next to the broken board. I contemplated taking it out but I shook it off as paranoia. I closed the trunk and once again heard a loud crash in the woods, closer this time. 

Get out of here...

   My body was telling me to just get in the jeep and get out of there. It was a powerful urge, I couldn't even bring myself to move away from the jeep but I needed to complete my task. I walked back to the sensor and inserted the circuit board. I secured the wiring and replaced the metal frame back over the sensor.

Y/N OC: Weaver, turn the power back on to sensor four.

Weaver OC: You got it, man. 

   After a few seconds, I heard the power come back on and the red LED lights on the top turned back on. The sensor was finally working. I blew a gigantic sigh of relief as I made my way back to the jeep and even better, the rain began to let up. The night was going my way. I stepped back into the driver seat, my mud-soaked boots squished on the floor as made myself comfortable.

Davis OC: Hey, I made it back to the gate. Just waiting on you so we can close it.

Y/N: Roger. On my way back now.

   I turned the ignition and after a few revs the engine turned on. The head and flood lights turned on and then I froze. Twenty feet past the motion sensor stood the massive body of the Tyrannosaur. I stared at it as she stared at me. 

Don't move... Don't move...

   I sat there, frozen in fear. I took deep breaths as the dinosaur examined the car. I waited to see if it would charge at me but it didn't. It just stared at me. My ears were shot as the loud crackle of thunder crashed over my head and a blinding flash of lightning hit my eyes and the dinosaur roared in unison. This was enough to snap me out of my trance. I put the car on drive and slammed on the gas. The jeep jumped up and down as I made a tight U turn and drove back through the jungle from which I came. 

Y/N OC: Davis! It's on me! It's on me!

Davis OC: Floor it back here! I'll get the rifles ready! Hurry!

   I threw the radio into the passenger seat as I continued to floor it through the jungle. I glanced at the rearview mirror and felt my stomach turn as I saw the large animal no more than twenty feet away, roaring at me. 

Jesus Christ!

   I felt as if I was going to die but felt a sudden jolt of relief as I came around a small hill and saw the bright lights of the paddock gate with jeeps and armed guards on the other side. I came through the gate and slammed on the breaks. I slid to halt and jump out of the car.

Y/N: Close it! Close the fucking gate!

   The alarms began to beep loudly as the gate slid right toward the closed position but it was too late. The Rex slammed its head through the thin gap between the fence and gate, just enough to stick its head through and grab onto the arm of a guard. He screamed as the Rex attempted to pull him into the paddock but the gate kept it lodge in place. The dinosaur growled and snorted as the guard punched at its snout to no avail. Me and Davis ran to the guard and tried pulling him away as the other guards jabbed stun poles into the Rexs neck. 

Davis: The damn thing is going to rip his fucking arm off!

Y/N: Shoot her!

Blam Blam Blam

Y/N: Shoot her!

   I felt powerless as I felt my grip on the guard slip and the guard screamed in terror as the Rex broke free and retreated back into its enclosure...

To be continued...


Waddup peoples!

I just got back from a 12 day field op. I'm sorry I took so long. But! Heres another project I've been working on. I'll probably post another chapter for this story and then rotate back to Another World.

  I wanna take this time really quick to say thank you for your support. And if you're a new reader to my work then I welcome you and I hope you enjoy my stories. More chapters to come soon. As always, I love you guys very much and I hope to continue to please all of you.

Until next time,


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