Chapter 10

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"Hello, Harry."

Harry slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the ethereal presence of two figures before him. Neither fully corporeal nor entirely spectral, they existed in a state between the living and the dead, reminiscent of the Riddle that had once emerged from the enchanted diary many years ago. Yet, they seemed more solid than mere apparitions, their forms holding a tangible presence within the dimly lit space.

One of the figures bore a striking resemblance to his godfather, tall and handsome with an aristocratic demeanor. This was Regulus, Sirius's younger brother, his features mirroring those of his sibling save for a straighter nose. While Sirius moved with an easy grace, he exuded a more reserved and serious air, his curious gaze fixed upon Harry as if analyzing him for traces of familiarity, perhaps seeking a likeness to Hermione. Eventually, a smile played upon Regulus's lips, a silent acknowledgment of whatever he had found.

Lily, her smile radiant and eyes brimming with affection, drew nearer to him, pushing back her long hair in a gesture of tender familiarity. Her green eyes seemed to drink in every detail of his being, as if fearing she might never have enough time to truly see him. Clad in the same attire she had worn at the time of her passing, she looked just as he had seen her in old photographs, her beauty undiminished by death.

"Look at you, my darling," she murmured softly, her voice a gentle caress. "When I first held you, you were but a babe in arms."

"He looks a lot like you, mon cheri," the youngest Black remarked, casting a glance between him and his mother. "You're as beautiful as ever, just as I remember."

Hermione felt her cheeks heat up, a blush spreading across her face like wildfire, as his smooth talk washed over her. She stole a glance at James beside her, his protective aura practically crackling with intensity. He looked like he was ready to throw down if Regulus didn't stop flirting with her. Meanwhile, Remus and Sirius were having a silent laugh behind their friends' backs. Their eyes twinkled with mischief as they exchanged knowing glances, clearly finding the whole situation highly entertaining.

"You don't look bad either, Reggie," she teased, her words laced with light-hearted affection. "Now I can see who inherited the family's good looks."

Sirius, however, took immediate offense, his laughter abruptly ceasing as he crossed his arms over his chest, his expression one of indignation. "Clearly, you're in dire need of glasses, Kitten," he retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We all know that I am the epitome of handsomeness."

"Ah, but you see, dear brother, you're missing a few brain cells. I, on the other hand, am the complete package. Intelligence, a trait with which I am amply endowed, is much more important."

"True, Reg. But while you may have had the honor of being her first kiss, I proudly hold the title of being the first person she shared her bed with. Beat that, Reggie." With an exaggerated flourish, he mimicked dropping a microphone, his expression smug and self-satisfied.

The color drained from Hermione's face at the man's revelation, her features contorting in shock and embarrassment. James moved quickly to her side, fanning her and offering support, ready to catch her if she should faint.

As the tension crackled in the air, Lily's voice cut through the moment, her tone gentle "Some things never change, do they?" she observed with a fond smile, her gaze fixed on her friends and back to Harry. "I'm so proud of you, Harry. You're almost there."

"Does it hurt?" he asked, his voice tinged with childlike curiosity.

"Dying? Not at all," she reassured him, her tone gentle yet unwavering. "Quicker and easier than falling asleep."

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