chapter............................3 years later

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                                                                 ^3 years later^

                                                            ....... .....   .. jessica.....

"would you quit being so perverted?"i said and slapped blakes arm,blake was the guy rebecca was dateing,"hey! i said it and you were the one thinkin dirty!" he said in a defense voice.............

"whatever!" i said and rolled my eyes playfully...........this was the way highschool was.....all my friends have a boyfriend.......................mya. has mickey. or did, she moves on to fast that i cant keep up,and liz is dateing hunter silvers.........

"rebecca get youre fat ass over here and gaurd yure boyfriend before i slap the living shit out of him!" i said and shoved blake aginst the lockers

liz,mya,and rebecca were my clique and i loved them but they tick me off VERY easily ESPICIALLY blake...............screw that i hated blake

i grabbed my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder......

i was walking down the halls looking over my list of classzes and schedules  with every step i took when i hit smething 

"oh.sry" i said and looked  up to find my self looking into clear blue percing eyes"its cool" he said and bent down to pick up the list i dropped

he stood up and handed me my list 'thnx i guess,............................." i said pausing cuz i didnt know his name

"chaz and its fine"he said and stuck out his hand.i shook it   

'jessica" i said and slowly let my hand slip from his "um,you knew here?" i asked an started walking.

"yeah just stopped from a wourld tour"he said back and we both walked in step together

"world tour??? cool!" i said and smiled

"yeah so whos youre 1 period???" he asked and glanced at his list

" ms.trut" i said and looked at my list again just to make sure

""me too"he said and grinned.....showing off all his pearly whites.i smiled backa dn we walked the rest fo the way to class in silence,

"EVERYONE!!! settle down and please find youre seats!!!!" ms.trut yelled and everyone scrambled to their seats

in all the ruckes i lost chaz....

"heyyyy!!! waz up gil???" a voice said and plopped down beside me

i looked over and saw liz sit downwith hunter on the other side of her ,there fingers intwined

"hey lizzy" i said ansmiled at her and the frowned at hunter

"ok people listen up!!! today we got a new student!!" ms.trut said and everyone shut up

"class please welcome......chaaaaz..........soooooomers!!!"ms.trut yelled like she was a game show hostess

i blinked...............chaz in........................chaz 'somers' as in justin biebiers best friend????!!!!!

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