You've Gave Me More Happiness Than You Thought You did

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Toya always liked Akito
Akito was the ray of sunshine in his life.
Since Akito found Toya in the streets singing alone, he knew Toya would be an amazing friend and partner. Toya doubted he had the confidence or skills to sing alongside Akito.
Akito is clearly fine with it and never wanted to partner anyone else.
They were amazing friends in deed.

It may not have been obvious to Akito, but Toya really liked him. Maybe as friends. Maybe more than friends. It's complicated and confusing for Toya to sort out his own emotions.

It was kind of obvious that Toya liked Akito to begin with. The proof was always there.

Letter By Toya Aoyagi To Akito Shinonome:
Dear, Akito,
I want to thank you for always being by my side, and for being the best singing partner a man could ever ask for.
I remember meeting you on vivid street, looking at you while performing, you talking to me after my performance and we started our own duo. It was really fun. I really enjoyed it.
I remembered when I said I wasn't having fun singing with you and that music means nothing. We all know that's not true.
Akito, I generally liked singing with you. Singing on stage with you was something I never wanted to miss out on.
Even Shirashi and Azusawa saw us as the perfect, reliable pair who always looked out for each other.
We've gone through so much together. You've found me singing alone, and you let me sing alongside you on stage. If you haven't been there, I would have stepped away from music altogether.
You said I was the best partner you could ever ask for. In order for me to live up to you, and my, expectations, I want to keep standing shoulder to shoulder with you as we perform.
You were always so serious about music, and you can't help but feels strongly when someone belittles you. If I told you, you really saved me when you got angry and punched me that day, you would definitely think and say that I was being dramatic.
Truth is, I really really liked you. Maybe even more than just friends.
You've gave me more happiness than I thought you would.
The times when we hung out after school, composing music, meeting up with the others in the Sekai...
I always loved you.
I just never had the confidence to say so.
I didn't mind if homophobic people would judge me.
I didn't care.
I was just scared, you and I, our friendship may not be the same
What if you rejected me?
What if I lost your trust?
What if something happens?
If I said those to you, you would have told me to shut up and don't think so much.
So here I am, in this letter confessing that I like you. No, I love you. I always did.
Even when you went and dated Momoi Senpai.
I didn't interfere. I wanted you to be happy. I may not have been good enough for you even.
Anyways, Akito

I Love You ❤️

~Toya Aoyagi
~May 25 2025

"Wah.... I never knew he felt this way...."
Akito sniffed back some tears as he read the letter left by Toya.
"Why...why didn't I say something sooner?"
Akito felt tears dripping from his eyes and didn't bother to wipe them away as he lied on Toya's bed in the empty, dark room.
"Why toya, why did you leave without saying anything?? Why!??" Akito yelled at himself and at Toya... Well he wasnt even there to begin with.
He was never going to be there ever again.
That's because he left.
Not left akito.
Left the world.
Left everything behind
And never had the chance to confess to Akito personally, and directly.
And now,
They could Never ever stand shoulder to shoulder to sing together again

"akito, just so you know, you gave me more happiness than you thought you did!"
Akito smiled remembering that.
"Toya, you were the best partner I could ever ask for. And you too, brought me happiness"

You've Gave Me More Happiness Than You Thought You DidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora