Chapter 2

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It was late at night, Yoko felt sad, she just stop her tears to fall after an exhausting day; trying to find a new job.

Yoko then arrived at the front door of the apartment, but she realized, her luggage was outside. She ran to the door and knocked, "Hello? Landlady!?"

It started to rain and a noisy thunder just strike at the sky, Yoko tried to shook off the fear she felt over thunders and continue to knock.

The landlady open the door, "Landlady, why did you throw my bag here outside?" Yoko, who's soaked in the rain, still managed to asked her politely, "you didn't pay the rent! So I threw your bag away!" She said, angrily.

"Landlady, please give me one more day! Tomorrow? Tomorrow, if I find a job, I'll pay you!" She said, pleading. "You better leave or I'll call the police!" She said, but Yoko still insisted.

Then the landlady throw some salt in her face, "that's what you deserve!! You're a jinx, especially to my business!" She said, and locked the door.

Yoko was shocked, people today kept treating her harshly.

Yoko was left with no choice, she picked her bag and just walked through the rain. Then decided to run after hearing thunders getting louder. Yoko then found an alley with a roof, she immediately went there and decided to sit there.

Yoko took one jacket from her soaked bag, luckily it's a waterproof bag that even it got wet, the clothes inside won't be affected by water. Yoko then pray: "Oh lord, please help me get through this night. Please! Guide me with all your might, embrace me with such care, my lord." She said, and still afraid.

*Yoko's Catholic*


After that night, the rain stopped and it was already morning. Yoko realized that she spent her night sleeping in the alley. Then she decided to leave, she checked the time in her phone, who had only fifteen percent battery left.

It was already Five AM in the morning, and she had only One hour to prepare for school. But Yoko knew to herself, she can't go to school in her state, especially without having a shower.

Yoko stood up, and walked away. While walking, she saw a woman from a corner who seems fainting. She wanted to approach her, but Yoko was worried.

"What if they think I'm going to do something to her?" She asked herself, "but she clearly needs my help, what should I do?"

Yoko made up her mind and just help the woman. "Miss, are you alright?" She asked, and the woman looked at her, "yeah, I'm fine. I'm just dizzy." She said.

Yoko heard her stomach growling, then realized that she's just hungry. "You didn't eat?"

"I forgot." The woman replied.

Yoko found a restaurant not far from their location, so Yoko helped the woman and then say, "let's go, we'll buy you some food." She said.

Yoko assisted the woman to walk, until they got into he restaurant. Yoko order food for her in the cashier while the woman is just patiently waiting for her in the table. The woman check her pocket then realizes that she left her wallet back where she come from.

"Oh, shit! I forgot my wallet in the office." She said, and looked worried. Then Yoko arrived with a tray of food that the woman might like.

"Sorry, I don't know what food you like so I just ordered the best dishes they had here. Here you go, you can eat now." Yoko nicely said, "ahm. I think you have to put it back?"

"Hmm? Why is that?" Yoko.

"Well, I left my wallet—"

"No worries, I'm the one paying this meal. Just think that this is a friendly treat." She said, and the woman was surprised from her kindness, "why? Do you want something?"

Yoko was confused, but then smiled. "Something? Well, I wanted kindness." She said, and the woman just chuckles and then take a bite of the food.

"Why kindness? Don't you want me to pay you back?" The woman asked, "well, you will pay me back eventually." Yoko said, and the woman was confused, then she realized what it is that she wanted, so she said, "How much?"

"Huh? How much? Ah no! That's not what I meant! What I mean is, you'll repay me kindness, through passing kindness to others." Yoko insisted, and the woman was really surprised, "why is that?"

"Well, the world is already a place of people who's hungry to power and money, maybe it'll be a good thing if some of them will spread kindness and love." Yoko.

The woman was amazed that it got her totally speechless, then she decided to eat the whole food that Yoko bought for her.

Then the waiter arrived and pass the bill, Yoko was somehow surprised because the bill is exactly the amount left from her money.

The woman saw her reluctance, "what's wrong?" She asked, then hearing her voice made Yoko show a smile, "nothing."

Yoko took the money out of her wallet then pay the bill. The waiter leave with a smile, and the woman knew something is not right, but dare not to ask.

The woman gulped and say, "may I have your number?" She asked, "Huh? What for?" Yoko asked also.

"You answer me first, and then I'll answer your question."

Yoko took out her phone, and then showed her her number. The woman took out her phone then saved Yoko's number.

"Thank you."

"Now, why you asked for my number?"

"I just wanted to inform you about that kindness one day. If I ever happen to help someone or you in the future, I'll inform you." She said, and Yoko smiled widely.

"You don't have to, I'm okay with anything."

The woman smiled and say, "I will never forget you. Always remember, my name is Faye Peraya Malisorn, if you want me to help you, call me anywhere." She said, and stand up, wanting to leave already.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Yoko asked, but Faye left in a hurry.

Yoko don't understand what she meant but she just shrugged it off of her shoulders.

Yoko then realized that she was left with no money now, and she only have to end up in the street. She saw the two debit cards in her wallet, but dare not to touch it for some reasons.

A few hours later, Yoko kept on walking in the streets, trying to find a decent job at least one. But when she was about to cross the road, a white car suddenly arrived and was about to hit her.


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