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The Traitor.

    TOGETHER, THE TWO GIRLS WALKED TO THE CREST OF THE HILL, hauling Val's luggage out of camp and into the camp shuttle bus that would take her to the airport. The weight of Val's departure hung heavy in the air, casting a somber shadow over their usually lively banter. Every step felt like a countdown to the inevitable goodbye, a farewell neither of them wanted to face.

Finally, when the time had come to say goodbye, Val gave her one last hug, squeezing her tightly as if trying to imprint the memory of their embrace into her mind. "I'll see you next year!" she exclaimed with forced cheerfulness before climbing onto the bus. Rory could only offer a weak smile and a wave as she watched her best friend disappear into the distance, leaving her with only the echoes of their shared laughter and the anticipation of a reunion never come.

Alone on the hill, Rory felt a profound sense of emptiness settle over her. The once bustling camp now seemed eerily quiet, the absence of Val's infectious energy leaving a void that no amount of time could fill. She stood there for a moment, watching as the bus disappeared around a bend in the road, taking her friend farther and farther away until she was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

Trying to push aside the sadness threatening to overwhelm her, Rory scanned the crowd for Maddie, hoping to catch a glimpse of her friend one last time. But Maddie was nowhere to be seen. A twinge of disappointment shot through her, though she quickly brushed it aside. It wasn't that big of a deal, she supposed. It would probably be easier this way, easier to just disappear without a trace.

As she turned to leave, the weight of Val's absence settled heavily on her shoulders, a tangible reminder of the inevitable changes that lay ahead. With each step away from the hill, Rory couldn't shake the feeling that she was leaving a part of herself behind, that with Val's departure, she was also saying goodbye to a chapter of her life that could never be revisited.

    She met up with Luke who told her he would deal with Percy later that afternoon, telling her to get their bags ready to go. They parted quickly, time was of the essence, they had to be out of camp by the end of the day, preferably without anyone noticing that they were gone before it was too late.

Alone in the cabin, Rory surveyed the space, her gaze falling on their two packs laid out on her bed. She began to sift through their belongings, trying to decide what was essential and what could be left behind. Over the years, they had accumulated a multitude of items, each carrying its own memories and significance. But now, sentimentality had to take a backseat to practicality. Besides, there was no room for nostalgia. Nostalgia could only lead to regret and regret was a luxury neither of them could afford.

Amidst the memories, Rory decided to keep her father's broken watch and Val's necklace, as a reminder of their final day together, leaving behind any other items laden with sentimental value.

Next came the task of packing essentials: clothes, toiletries, and other basic necessities. Rory moved with purpose, her movements methodical as she filled their packs with the items they would need to survive on the road. In addition to the essentials, she made sure to include a packet of ambrosia, just in case they found themselves in a dire situation. They didn't know how long they would be traveling before reaching the rest of Kronos's army, and they needed to be prepared for anything that might come their way.

    "Are you leaving?" a voice asked behind her. Rory froze momentarily but managed to turn around smoothly, facing the unexpected interrogator at the doorway—Annabeth.

    The lie rolled off her tongue as naturally as breathing. "Oh yeah, you know, I thought I'd give it another try, maybe go to college." She pulled out her most convincing smile although it didn't quite reach her eyes.

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