20. Succumbing

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The three sisters genuinely enjoyed their first meal in Silvaporta. Although elves typically didn't eat meat, they had served a few ducks, pheasants, and hares out of respect for the triplets and the Bikior brothers. The meat was deliciously seasoned and served with fruits, nuts, and pieces of elf bread; a creamy loaf where just one bite could fill an adult human. Additionally, various types of fish were served, of which Lana only knew half by name. She saw salmon and trout being served, but also at least three types whose name and origin she couldn't guess. She was now convinced of the culinary skills of the Ancient Folk, so she dutifully tried everything she didn't know. After all, the animals had been caught and prepared especially for them.

One of the unknown fishes felt dry on her tongue, but even without the herbs, it had a delightful taste of its own. It complemented the creamy dough it was served on perfectly. The second unknown type of fish was served with rice and was prepared in a special way, allowing it to be eaten raw. Due to its slippery texture, Lana couldn't focus well on the taste, and subtly she slid this dish into a handkerchief to give to Icarus later. Kennon concealed a giggle in his napkin. The third fish was prepared in such a way that a crispy and crunchy layer of breadcrumbs had formed around it. This provided a fuller and greasier taste, balanced by the bed of radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables on which the fish was served.

The sisters engaged in light conversations with their companions and the members of Wyrda's court. Wyrda had deliberately placed Lana next to a respected poet. The man had copper-blond straight hair and wore a beret on his long locks. In his hair, Lana could distinguish flowers and leaves as a tribute to the natural world with which he was deeply connected. His eyes were large and bright like sparkling jewels that seemed to fathom the depths of the soul. They were imbued with an unfathomable wisdom and seemed to reflect what they saw with unmatched clarity. The poet was shrouded in an aura of mystique, and his language was like music, flowing and melodious. Every word he spoke seemed infused with the magic of nature itself. He could capture the essence of emotions and experiences in poetry that enchanted the hearts of listeners and readers. A poet in the Ancient Folk had a prominent role in society. They were seen as a bridge between people and the natural world. They were the guardians of ancient stories and legends, giving voice to feelings and thoughts that would otherwise remain unspoken.

Lana couldn't blame Kennon for putting a restraining arm around Lana's shoulders with a warning frown on his face. Lana blushed when she realised how she had hung on the elf's every word. He just spoke enchantingly. Lana squeezed Kennon's warm fingers briefly to reassure herself that she hadn't fallen into a trance. He pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

The conversations were held amidst the music created by the elves. Lana had never heard so many different musical instruments in one piece of music before. She saw violins, a golden harp, a recorder, but also various instruments whose names she didn't know. Something resembling a lute, but with different sounds, almost made her want to get up and dance. Another instrument resembled a small organ but produced an Eastern sound that momentarily transported Lana to warmer climes, spicy spices, and beautiful architecture. Lana especially enjoyed a piece of music played by two elves who played the harp and recorder. The clear musical notes touched Lana deeply and seemed to emanate from her own soul. Certainly, when the women added their ethereal voices to the instruments, Lana felt an inexplicable urge to cry at the beauty of the notes.

Seithre had felt too unwell to accompany them during dinner and consumed her meal in her own chambers, where her husband kept her company. Their son was safely housed with Seithre's brother until it was proven that the rennet that could be administered at any moment had worked. Lana prayed to the gods that everything would be well with her. Tonight was the night of transformation, and the elves had prepared the rennet in record time. She sincerely hoped that the rennet could suppress Seithre's transformation until they returned with the remedy. They had already been so lucky that she begged for a little more luck...

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