Chapter 9: Grinding Levels

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Hotel, Cheshma Town, Roria

Donald returned all of his Loomians to their Capture Discs, and he exited the Gale Forest. He stopped by the Loomian Trainer Station to heal them, and to restock on Loomian Food, Small Meds, and Capture Discs.

Night had fallen. Donald was fine with traveling in the dark; he was used to staying up with little sleep. However, he knew his Loomians needed more rest than he did. He rented a room at a small hotel.

While his Loomians ate, Donald looked up information on the Silvent City Battle Theatre.

"Located within Silvent City, this Battle Theatre specializes in the Light and Dark types and has a theme of balance. The challenger must solve three puzzles which requires them to step on green tiles in a way that will light all of them up. After solving each puzzle, the challenger will face a trainer."

Donald watched some videos of previous people who challenged the Silvent Battle Theatre. 

The first Silvent Trainer, Pal, had a Level 11 Twilat that knew Quick Pounce, Stretch, Gnaw, and Dawdle, as well as a Level 11 Eaglit that knew Pounce, Shine, Growl, and Stare.

The second Silvent Trainer was Roger, who also had a Level 11 Twilat with the same move set ass Pal's, and a Level 12 Vambat that knew Chomp, Growl, Gnaw, and Tease.

Battle Star Naya had two Geklow that knew Shine, Static Shock, Stare, and Dodge. Her final Loomian was a Level 15 Kleptyke that knew Pilfer, Sharpen, and Quick Pounce.

Donald was unfamiliar with Geklow and Kleptyke, so he checked them in the Loomipedia.

#045 Geklow (Lizard Loomian)
Geklow feast on special mineral found within their habitat. Their bodies convert this into a glowing substance that secretes from their skin.

#041 Kleptyke (Raccoon Loomian)
Kleptyke prefer to live near cities where they can rummage through garbage bins.

Kleptyke reminds me of that one Hyeongshin kid. Donald thought, Geklow are resistant to Light-type attacks, but if I level up Eaglit enough, he should be strong enough to deal enough damage with Pounce. If it comes to it, I still have the rest of my team. Weevolt is very eager to fight.

~Donald Na: A Hero's Journey~

Gale Forest, Roria

After breakfast the next morning, Donald brought his Loomians back to the Gale Forest. "We need to train hard if we're going to be challenging the Silvent Battle Theatre. Let's level up here for now."

They mainly battled Twilat, Cathorn, Grubby, and Twittle, which were all easily defeated by Eaglit, most of them with a single strike. It was getting rather repetitive, but they eventually encountered a Pyder.

Eaglit's Level 14 right now, so any attack he does will knock Pyder out. I'm thinking of capturing Pyder, so I'll send out Twilat, who's only Level 8.

"Eaglit, return." Donald ordered as he recalled Eaglit back and threw Twilat's Capture Disc out. 

Pyder shot a string of web at Donald's Twilat, which tangled her up.

"Use Gnaw to chew through the web!" 

While Twilat attempted to free herself, the Pyder's front leg glowed and struck Twilat. Twilat squeaked in pain, and a purple flush appeared on her face.

She's poisoned.

Despite being in pain, Twilat finished biting through the Web Shot and was freed. Some of her health was drained due to the Poison.

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