Chapter 2

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The days turned into weeks, and Yuri found himself settling into the rhythm of high school life alongside his brother Yoru and newfound friend Ria. Despite the initial challenges of being different, Yuri felt a sense of belonging with his companions by his side.

One afternoon, as Yuri made his way to his next class, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he found himself face to face with Pad, his childhood friend and constant source of support.

Pad: Hey, Yuri! Long time no see.

Yuri's face lit up with a smile as he greeted his friend.

Yuri: Pad! What are you doing here?

Pad grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Pad: Oh, just thought I'd surprise you. Plus, I missed seeing that halo of yours.

Yuri chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth at Pad's presence.

Yuri: Well, I'm glad you're here. It's been a while since we've hung out.

Pad nodded eagerly, his excitement palpable.

Pad: Definitely! So, what's the plan for today?

Before Yuri could respond, Ria appeared at his side, her expression curious.

Ria: Hey, Yuri. Who's your friend?

Yuri turned to Ria, introducing Pad with a smile.

Yuri: Ria, this is Pad. He's been my friend since we were kids.

Ria smiled warmly, extending her hand in greeting.

Ria: Nice to meet you, Pad. I'm Ria.

Pad shook her hand with a grin.

Pad: Pleasure's all mine, Ria. So, what's the scoop? What are you guys up to?

Yuri glanced between Ria and Pad, a sudden idea forming in his mind.

Yuri: Actually, I was thinking we could all hang out after school. How does that sound?

Ria's eyes lit up with excitement, nodding eagerly.

Ria: That sounds like fun! Count me in.

Pad's grin widened, his enthusiasm matching Ria's.

Pad: Heck yeah! I'm down for whatever you guys have in mind.

Yuri beamed, feeling a surge of gratitude for his friends' unwavering support.

Yuri: Great! Let's meet up at the park after school then.

As they made their way to their respective classes, Yuri couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation building within him. For the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of joy and excitement for the future, knowing that he had friends who accepted him for who he was.

After the final bell rang, Yuri hurried to the park, eager to reunite with Ria and Pad. As he approached their meeting spot, he spotted Ria and Pad waiting for him, their smiles bright and infectious.

Ria: Hey, Yuri! You made it.

Pad waved enthusiastically, his excitement palpable.

Pad: Yo, bro! Glad you could join us.

Yuri grinned, feeling a sense of warmth at their welcoming gestures.

Yuri: Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world.

As they settled onto the grass, Yuri felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that he was surrounded by friends who accepted him unconditionally.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park, Yuri realized that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have his friends by his side, ready to face whatever the future held.

And as they laughed and talked late into the evening, Yuri knew that he had found true companionship in the bonds of friendship that transcended any obstacle or hardship they might face.

With a renewed sense of hope and determination, Yuri looked towards the future with optimism, knowing that as long as he had his friends by his side, he could overcome anything that came his way.

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