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“It Will Be Okay”, is the book I've written for all the people out there that's currently deserve to be reminded, that change is the only permanent thing in this world. That no matter how big the problem you're facing right now, and how heavy it may feel in your heart—it will soon pass.

Believe it or not, but everything is really impossible until it's done. You may feel alone, but you are not alone in this journey. This book will help you to keep going amidst the storm of life. Lastly, I know that believing that this storm will pass feels like waiting the sun to turn into blue. But it will, I promise.

Remember, the sun still shines behind the storm.  :))

Enjoy reading!

— Alexandra Rosete


Please excuse phrases/sentences that were grammatically incorrect, which  I may didn't notice, for a while. I'll be editing those soon!

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