Prologue: Glimpse Of Future

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"The only permanent thing in this world is impermanence."

A nice walk in a park filled with Cherry Blossom. She was feeling quite good about this day. A young woman around her 20s. It was a nice Monday evening, in the middle of Spring. The flowers were blooming really beautifully and the day was going great. No disturbance, no problems.. Until she saw.. Him.

A man crying his eyes out. He was a middle-aged man. As the kind woman she was, she went to his side. She was quite surprised. He was staring at a newspaper, sort of.

"Hey? What happened?" she questioned. Instead of an answer, he just shrugged her off. "Having family problems? Lost your job? If so, then I can help you." she stated, showing her employee badge reading: Sonam, CEO of Restaurant S.A.M, a famous restaurant known for their great service and meals. He stared at her with teary eyes, then wiped them and stood up.

"Ahem.. Thank you for your offer, but I already have a job. I am Karma, CEO of the clothing company, Ts-he-chu. Nice to meet you." he remarked. Sonam realized that he was the person she was looking for a conference. "Oh. Well, there is a cafe nearby. Want to have a conversation, Mr. Karma?" She requested with a surprised look. Karma couldn't refuse of course, this was a business "meeting.".

The "meeting" went well for the most part, except the part where Sonam kept wondering why he cried. She couldn't get a glance at the newspaper he was reading as he closed it off. A man in this late 20s came walking by Karma's side.

"He is my assistant, Pema. Pema, meet Sonam. A business partner of mine." Karma remarked. "Nice to meet you, Pema." Sonam said, with a smile. Time flew by quickly as the meeting continued. As the cafe was closing early, they had to end their "meeting" early as well.

"Thank you for your time, Mrs. Sonam. We shall meet later." he murmured softly. He left his newspaper without knowing. Sonam was curious about that suspicious looking newspaper and went to check it out.



'What was written in that... Newspaper?' she thought. She realized that he wasn't reading the newspaper, he was reading the letter inside the newspaper. She took a glance at the letter and immediately got interested in its content. She read what was written:

"Dear Karma,

This is fate!! Isn't it? We finally met again after a long time. I hope we can stay together forever. My love for you is eternal. My time spent with you will be cherished forever. Everytime I spend my time with you, I always have a great day. Although we will be separated from this point, I hope you can move on. Move on with a family and love. Your entry point in my life was a miracle, while my entry in your life was hellish.

After my passing, have a life you won't regret, a life without any problem, a life with love and joy, and most importantly, a life with accomplishment and a life forgetting about me. I want to be by your side forever, But beggars can't be choosers, right? Forgive me for going out too quickly, I have no choice but to give in.

As an advice, please.. Just move on with your life. Carry on what you're doing, accomplish all the things you want and.. Just forget that I ever existed.


After reading this letter, she broke into tears. Was he really that heart broken? Did he really had a terrible past? She quickly wiped her tears away and faced Pema, who was still in the restaurant to retrieve the newspaper his boss forgot.

"Is this letter real? Is your boss depressed? Who was Tshering? Was she an important person in Karma's life?" she asked, with some tears in both her eyes. That really was sad. Pema stood firmly on a chair. Before answering all of the questions on his way, he wiped his mouth with a clean cloth and then, began answer those questions.

"Yes. That letter is real and my boss is depressed. This letter was a goodbye note left by my boss's late lover, Tshering. She was the love of his life.. But sadly, it wasn't for long. She passed away at the age of 25. After she passed, my boss lost a lot of sense about the world. Every monday he would sit at the bench in the park and stare at this letter." He explained with a sad look for his boss. As an assistant, he had to know everything about his boss and he did. She was curious and asked him to narrate the story of his boss.

They went outside and sat on a bench nearby and Pema started to narrate the story of his boss. Who was Tshering? Why did she pass away?
So much questions lingering in Sonam's mind as Pema narrated the whole past of his boss.

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