Episode 1 Autumn Meeting

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It was mid-autumn, two months after their encounter, and both felt that this autumn's change would affect their entire lives.

For try as they might, they couldn't go back to their usual normalcy because that longing thought was frequent, and grew to where they started wondering about each other , and why their two kinds were against each other.

When they asked, they usually got, "I don't know" or "that kind just hates us." They both to a conclusion in each of their own minds that something must've happened in ages past that's now lost in history, but they also wondered if there was a way to resolve everything.

"If only we could meet", they each thought. Then they each prayerfully thought, "Creator willing."
Harvest time* had begun, but neither could get through it because they were both distracted by their thoughts. Even their loved ones could see it.

After what happened they each told all they could to their love ones and they either wondered about it or were suspicious of it.

The suspicions came more from Gideon's grandfather Gareth Greystone, head of the clan. Gideon couldn't blame him for being suspicious, at least about the ruffians, especially since they knew about clan stones and the Tree Tiddler did not.

No one knew who or what the ruffians were. They would always come and try to make trouble before being chased off, though no one ever really saw their faces, which added to the mystery. The popular theory was that they were Tree Tiddlers, for all the clans of the Mount Tiddlers were accounted for. Unbeknownst to them though, the Tree Tiddlers thought the same about them.

During their brief encounter, both Rose and Gideon found that the popular theory to each of their kinds wasn't the truth... couldn't be. One has to wonder though, who were the ruffians?

Footnote: Harvest time is when every Tiddler of both kinds within each of their villages, one way or another, participates.
One Harvest time was over, Rose and her parents spoke about it in their house. They advised her, if she hadn't already, to seek the Creator about it, and reminded her to faithfully obey where He leads.

Gideon too sat and spoke to his parents about it in their house. They instructed him that he should make supplication about it to the Creator, and that he should obey what the Creator commands.

Both Rose and Gideon did as they were advised, instructed, and reminded to do.
Gideon didn't hear insomuch as he felt the Creator's presence leading him. Gideon took nothing but the clothes and cloak on his back, nor did he look back behind him as willingly followed in obedience to wherever the Creator would lead him.

He was lead straight out of North Mount. It wasn't until he was completely out of his country that he knew exactly where he was being led to... right back to where the pond was located.

When he arrived there he still felt the Creator's presence and waited patiently for what the Creator wanted  him to do next. As he waited, he looked at his surroundings. Everything was the same, but with the season's change. When he was starting to look at pond and seeing how pretty it still was, he heard a voice from behind him.

"It's you!", the voice said. When he turned around he saw that it was her.
As for Rose, after she sought the Creator, she too felt His presence leading her and she too followed right on that deer trail out of her country.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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