The Letter

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I sit in my room, writing inside of my journal, the day goes by slow, steady. As I place my journal down, one of my servants walks in, without knocking, and it startles me.

"Oh!-" I yelp. "Constance!" I exclaim. "Have you not heard of knocking?"

Constance bows her head apologetically. "Sorry, Miss." she says. "But, there's some letters in the mail..." she hands me about 4 or five envelopes and she walks out.

I sigh and I open one of the envelopes, nothing new, fans saying how much they appreciate me, old lovers, nothing new.

But then, there's this one, specific letter. I pull out the paper, it says my real name on there. I look startled, I never tell nobody besides my family my real name.

Patience, My True Love

I look confused and open the letter, it's a handwritten letter, it seems. All in pure cursive, it reads:

Patience, it took me so much courage to send this to you, I'm a complete stranger to you. But to me, I know you, like nobody else does. I know you truly don't like the color yellow, but since it is your family color, you must wear it. I know that you like to watch the worms wiggle around in the dirt, making a mess of yourself. I know you, Patience. Everyday, I wake up and take the first carriage to your palace, I watch you water your flowers in the window. Your face makes me smile, without any makeup. You're naturally beautiful, you shouldn't wear any makeup. I hate the way you're so focused on pleasing others that you have no time to please yourself. I hate the way your mother is making you marry your second cousin, I know you don't want to marry him, you want to wait for the right time, I love that for you. I can't wait to see your face again.

Sincerely, Your Love.

My heart beats in my throat, who is this? Is this some type of crazy lover? Even if it is, he sounds like he knows my boundaries. I keep reading the letter, over and over, I don't know why, but the way he appreciates my true self makes me want to meet him.

I look at the address on the envelope, comes to my disappointment that he didn't leave no address on it. Folding the paper back up, I place it in my drawer, I don't want my mother to find out about the letter, she will go on a long rant on how true love isn't real, and that love is just to keep the empire together.

 Folding the paper back up, I place it in my drawer, I don't want my mother to find out about the letter, she will go on a long rant on how true love isn't real, and that love is just to keep the empire together

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At dinner, we sit at the family table, my mother, sitting across from me, my father, sitting beside me, and my 4 brothers and sisters sit beside me as well. My mother, drinking from her wine glass, looks at me.

"Well," she says. "Anything interesting happen today, Patience?"

I shake my head. "No," I say. "Nothing really. I just watered the plants and-" my mother immediately cuts me off.

"Patience what have we told you about doing household chores? That is what we have peasants for." My mother says sternly.

I stay quiet, I don't want to argue, I don't even want to be at this table right now. My father knows I don't like sweet potatoes, yet he doesn't care. He says it's 'what's keeping me thin'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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