Again what .the .actual .fuck!?

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As I walked into the dark and calm forest, bucket in hand, I saw my house not to far away,I went to get water from the well like I do everyday after school,but this day...this day was different
As i got closer i noticed the faint scent of blood...i felt ice rush down my vains as I rushed into the house and dropped the pale of water that was in my hand. i ran upstairs and saw my parents laying in the bed arms crossed funeral style holding a single poppy
I just stood whole world just crumbled, both my parents dead, right I front of me,

i walked towards them and saw a note laying between them, i picked it up and it read "Hello, you must me akitaan burn, the supposed daughter of frank and milly burn" huh what the fuck do they mean "SuPpOsEd" that is my mom and dad...right? "Well, new flash, your not, your real mother is Persephone and your father well we don't talk about him, it's about that age where you power will erupt, now I can't give anymore information-" hold the fuck up, your meaning you tell me, you came in to kill my mother and father- well who I thought was my mother and father, then give me a damn note basically saying "HAHA YOU THOUGHT, YOUR WHOLE LIVES A LIE" then say you can't say anymore the. Actual. Fuck!?
"You might be wondering"did you have to kill my fake parents"" I know this bitch didn't just say fake- "well,they were getting in our way" I don't know you- "they were giving you medicine so your power wouldn't show up,and making sure your mom couldnt find and raise you" again what. The. Actual.fuck!? "Well I'm here to help you,since I need entertainment, I won't tell you directly who your father is or what your power is, you'll have to find clues to do so, so here's you first clue "where an angel grows in a beautiful place,you'll never know with their purple lace sometimes in the south sometimes in the north it's depends where it grows best""

I'm not doing this
Nope,I gotta bury who I thought was my family
....nope just don't even... I go downstairs where I ask my neighbor for help, where I lived it was nice, but very dangerous, it wasn't uncommon that people were killed, the police doesn't even care, he helped put my parents in the local grave yard and bury them  I sat their favorite flowers beside it a puts my "dads" watch on his grave and my "moms" necklace  on hers as I walk back to the house that note pops into my head
There's no way that's real
Like Persephone
The goddess
My mother
I'm not doing this
I sat on the couch laying awake as I slowly fell asleep
In the morning I realized there were tear stains on my cheek I groggily got up and headed to the bathroom reaching for my toothbrush as I wet my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it as I started brushing my teeth I feeling something hot on my hand I look down and the toothbrush melted in my head I looked down the back up and once back down with my eyes wide "the heck,I gotta be tripping" I run cold water over it so it would harden but as the water runs off of my hand it feels warm I look on the counter and realize it's been two days since I took my medicine, wait wait wait wait, I haven't take my medicine in two days, my hands heating up like a stove top,and I dunno if I mintioned but my hand is turning blueee......IM BLACK HOW IS MY HAND TURNING BLUE....was the note right?...nah nah I'm overthinking.

I rushed up stairs to grab the note and read over it one more time, and maybe, maybe I'll do it, I thought for a second before I rushed to my bedroom and grabbed a a backpack and started to pack a bit on clothes, I went into my parents room and collected their money and my dads portable charger
I mean I'm going to find my dad not on a savage trip....right? I went down stairs grabbed the note off the couch and grabs some canned food as I walked out the door I looked at the note and pulled out my phone "based off when it said purple laced and where it grows I'm guessing it's talking about flowers" I looked up purple flowers and angel flowers popped up, they are in South America and in Mexico

This is gonna be a long fucking journey

(Hey ya, I lost my fanfic account so I made this and I'm publishing my own story, and about that joke I made sorry if it was offensive if it was lemme know in the comments bye byeeee lovessssss)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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