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DivinityThe quality of being divine, or of a divine nature

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The quality of being divine, or of a divine nature.
In relation of devotion, connected to or with God. Striving for God-like qualities. Serving with humility, to your creator.

It is easier to discuss this when we break down influences into other-voices.
If we recognize that our one, consistent constant, is the striving for purpose.

But Karen wants comfort, George wants control. Peter and Mary never grew up, one is the wounded child and the other the spoiled favourite that always wants her way. Danny is the bad boy, with the burn-it-to-the-ground attitude. Brittney is the party-fun-fun singer, while Archie knows every little teeny tiny thing you did wrong. The Enforcer brings you guilt, shame and embarrassment. Though Sheila always has an excuse for you, there is always someone or something she can point a finger at to exonerate you. Poor Sally needs to remind you again and again of all the things you've lost, all the people that wronged you; she is there to make sure you never trust anyone again. Stanley is very focused on money, you need it, you want it, if you don't got-go get it. Felicia knows she deserves everything she gets, good bad or indifferent, she rationalizes how much she deserves it. Andy loves indulgences, anything you know you shouldn't have-Andy wants that!
There is also the ugly whisperer, the one who sits on your shoulder and quietly tells you all the bad, wrong and awful things they see. If you let him whisper loud enough, Judgement comes sweeping in to throw down his gavel. Spy vs. Spy are in a constant lock over You Vs. Them.

There are so many voices going on, all around you and inside you. Beginning to isolate them and hear them for what they are, helps us to grasp divinity.

Focus, therefor; on what is good, what is kind and what is fruitful. Constantly renew your minds, washing them in the Life Waters of your Creator.

I think it's important to start this off with this:
I am not an "educated person". Just an average student of life.
Lately, I have been inspired by the idea of "divinity", or "Lady Divinity" as an art installation.

What would it look like, to "be" Divine? What would it take to have "divine attributes"?

So, I have delved into the observation of what is considered "divine", as defined by sources.

1. Kindness, compassion, empathy
2. Humility, long-sufferage
3. Dignity, poise, standards
4. Peace-keeping, upholding justice
5. Honesty, integrity, openness
6. Loving, forgiving, understanding

What is considered, generally across the board; as divine, always tilts heavy on the side of the Loving spectrum.

What you do in kindness serves your Master. What you do in Love, serves God.

So why is it easy then to forget that?

Because God and Religion have become confused with one another. Your Creator is not interested in what Religion wants you to do. Your divinity lies in what you want to do.
Make no mistake- your Creator is not you; you did not create yourself. But this is where it gets sticky-
Your creator is in You. Your relationship with your Creator is in you. You have been designed with purpose, intentional construction.
So, if your relationship with Religion brings you to a closer relationship with God, you are in the right relationship. In contrast, if your relationship with Religion becomes more important than your Creator friendship, then you are in the wrong relationship.

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