Thomas Reins

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Thomas : Hello my name is Thomas Reins , it's spelt like T-H-O-

..? : We don't need that . Just say how old you are and tell me everything.

Thomas: Ok. i'll start over. Hello my name is Thomas Reins. I'm 8 years old and this is my story..

..? : that's great thanks.

                            MY IMAGINATION
I was 7 years old. i have always had a big imagination.. I - M - A - G - I - N - A - T - I - O -N. Ha.. my brother Timmy taught me that. Anyways my imagination was pretty wild. I would have this wild dream of a witch and wizard.. but the nice kind. They weren't ugly, they weren't monsters. So i trusted them.

My Mother : mm.. Tommy pass me a cigarette. While you're at it make me some pancakes.

Tommy: Of course i will mom.. but i don't know how to make pancakes.

My Mother: Be smart Thomas, figure it out you're a smart kid you always do.. i'll give you a hint look behind the box it'll help you.

• I smiled .. it was a faint smile though. I was always wondering why she repeats the same thing every time knowing that i haven't been to public school yet.

My Mother: Well hurry up little thomas. Your mother is very hungry.

Thomas : of course mom.
                         The Dream

• My dream was weird one. There always be this big castle it was big and tan.. it had 3 big windows just like my house. It was what every kid in the world would want. The outside was beautiful but the inside was a cage.. it was a dream i could never get out of. Then this every voice came out of no where.

Thomas : hellooo mom.. timmy -

..? : Hello Thomas


..?: what are you talking about tommy you know me..

Thomas : I have no idea who you are.. Are you magic.

..?: Magic! haha.. might as well call me a witch then.

Thomas : That's a weird request.. but ok.. do you know a wizard?!

..?: hmm. i suppose i do. Would you like to meet him??

Thomas : Yes of cou-

• i was awoken by my 18 yr old brother.. he was weird and i was sad he was going to college soon.

Timmy: Thomas wake up. Mom needs you to tidy up the house while she's at work..

Thomas : Timmy.. why didn't she ask you to do it.

Timmy: She said you need to learn how to clean, since your growing up to be a "smart little boy"

Thomas : ... but i'm only 7 i haven't learned anything yet..

Timmy : i'll tell you what.. You clean everything in this house and we'll do our daily school game.. sound good??

• I got excited.. Our daily school game was so good. It was when timmy would teach me how
to spell words and what they mean. The first word he let me spell was my name. T-H-O-M-A-ha.. you get the gist right? if i sounded out and spelt a word correctly he would give me this special candy.. he always said to me " This would make you feel better whenever you feel down.. it will never fail." He was right.. it made me feel all good inside like happiness never left.

Thomas: Yay!!! ok i'll do it . thanks for being the best brother timmy.

• I was excited for this dream. I could finally meet the wizard. I hoped that he was nice.

Witch.. : Hello little thomas.. welcome to our castle. It's your new home.

Thomas: I don't know about that but we'll see.

Witch: haha.. you will see eventually my child.

• After that weird interaction i had finally met the wizard. he was trustworthy he was older. he was true to his identity. he would take me everywhere tell me things.. i started to trust. I started to trust everything he had said.. I had gotten comfortable. I had even called it home. The witch even told me her name. Margaret, it sounded familiar.. but i didn't know where.

Thomas : Mom..

My Mother: What the hell do you want from me peasant child..

Thomas : whaa-.. Mom what happened to smart child.. what happened to me being your smart little boy..

My Mother : HA.. you don't need to hear those foolery words . You're almost 10 tom.

Thomas : This is why i don't hand you your drugs mom..

My Mother: what are you talking about.

Thomas : Mom I'm 7.. I'm about to turn 8 remember.

My Mother : Same thing..

Thomas : You see that's the thing about you.. you act nice the next second and then you're completely bipolar and change. And i'm 7 why am i already being seen as an adult. i need time to grow up mom. And when i do I swear i will never end up like you. A person who doesn't know how to feel or show happiness because they're too busy being high off of drugs..

Mother.. : .. who taught you all these words thomas . You sound just like your father.

Thomas : The only person i can count on in this house.. Timmy.

Mother : HAHAHA.. If you can't count on me you definitely can't count on timmy you fool!!. And I know about that school game you and timmy play. I didn't think he would actually do it. Those drugs he gives you.. The "candy".. Face it tom you're gonna be just like me.

Thomas : But i don't want to be a monster..

• I couldn't do it anymore. I was just like my mom. But it didn't feel right. I knew I wasn't a monster.. I just needed clarification. I had a panic attack.. the next thing i know Is that I fell asleep.

Witch : Tommy what are you doing here. It's too early...

Thomas : ..

Witch : I see what happened.. I'm so sorry tommy. you don't deserve that life. you should just come and live with us here.

Wizard : Yea tommy we would never do something like that to you..

Thomas : But i can't leave Margaret. My mom needs me. My brother needs me.. this world needs me.

Witch : But if your family doesn't need you who else does ?

Mother.. : So what's he saying doctor ?

Doctor.. : he's repeating your name over and over. you must be a good mother. And you might need to go in there sounds like the kid needs you..

• i had finally awoken.. a few hours after my mom came in and had asked me...

Mother : Tommy. How do you know my name I haven't said my name since you were born.

Thomas : What are you talking about I already know your name is mother...

Mother : .. Tommy.. My name is Margaret.


Thomas : Turns out I had a disorder called maladaptive daydreaming. A proposed psychological disorder. Technically a fantasy activity that replaces human interaction, assuming roles and characters in scenarios created to my liking.. The witch was the opposite of my mother.. Beautiful and kind. And the Wizard was the opposite of my Brother.. Unmasked and Trustworthy. In that world I had everything. In this world i have nothing..

..? : That's a lot for a 8 year old boy.

Thomas : I know..

..? : Come with us Thomas.. You will never have to experience that ever again..

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