Chapter 1/Introduction. The Quiet before the Storm

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In the bizarre and twisted world of Paper School, where the echo of footsteps in the hallways might as well be a countdown to your last breath, teaching takes on a whole new meaning. This isn't your ordinary school. Here, the price of failure is more than just a bad grade-it's your life. And among the teachers, who are more like wardens of this academic prison, you stand out for your unique brand of terror.

Your classroom is like a calm before the storm, unnervingly quiet, where even the drop of a pencil sounds like a thunderclap. Unlike Miss Circle, who's known for her fiery temper and flying furniture whenever a student messes up, you've chosen a different path, one that's far more chilling.

The day of the test results is when the true horror unfolds. With a calmness that's more terrifying than any outburst, you hand back the papers, your face betraying no emotion-until you come across those unfortunate enough to fail. That's when a slight change comes over you, a subtle shift that sends shivers down the spine. The students who receive their papers with a big, fat 'F' circled at the top know that it's more than just a grade. It's a silent, deadly verdict.

You don't chase after them in a rage or make a spectacle. No, you let them walk out, the dread of what's to come hanging over them like a dark cloud. They try to blend back into the crowd, but they know, and you know, it's only a matter of time.

Your method of dealing with them is quiet, orderly, almost surgical, making you a topic of whispered conversations and fearful glances. While other teachers might leave a mess, a chaotic scene bearing witness to their wrath, you ensure everything is neat, clean, almost as if nothing happened. This meticulousness, this eerie calmness in the face of such grim tasks, makes your reputation even more formidable.

The students try to navigate this survival game, where learning is overshadowed by the constant threat of what failure might bring. In this twisted reality, your classroom stands as a stark reminder of the high stakes, a place where calmness masks the deadliest of intentions, and where every test could be their last.

Amid the chilling silence of your classroom, a weird sort of peace settles in. It's like the calm before a storm, but here, the storm is always brewing, just out of sight. Your students sit on the edge of their seats, pencils poised over paper, eyes flickering up to catch a glimpse of your expression. They've learned the rules of this deadly game: Listen. Learn. Survive.

Your way of doing things, it's got the whole school talking. Even the teachers. Especially Miss Circle, with her temper that can turn a classroom into a warzone at the drop of a wrong answer. She's started looking at you differently, a mix of curiosity and something that might, in a less twisted world, pass for respect. Maybe it's the way you handle things, so neat and precise, like a surgeon in an operating room where the scalpel is your marker, and the failing grades are a sentence no one wants to hear.

But it's not just the teachers who see you in a new light. The students, they're starting to get it too. In a place where every lesson could be your last, where every test could end in more than just tears, you've become something of a legend. To them, you're the teacher who doesn't lose their cool, who doesn't throw desks or scream till the walls shake. Instead, you give them a chance to make it through, to learn from their mistakes before their time is up.

This isn't to say they like you. No, it's more like a respect born from fear, a recognition that in this bizarre and terrifying world of Paper School, your classroom might just be their best shot at survival. They watch you, learn from you, and in the quiet moments before the bell rings, some even dare to be grateful.

Miss Circle, she notices this change. The whispers in the hallways, the way students don't flinch when they pass by your door. It's different, and in a school where terror reigns supreme, different is intriguing. Maybe that's why she starts lingering near your classroom, watching with those intense eyes that miss nothing. Perhaps she's wondering what makes you tick, why your method works when hers, all fire and fury, seems to sow more chaos than compliance.

In the twisted, dark corridors of Paper School, where education is a matter of life and death, your calm, your order, it's like a beacon. But beacons can attract all kinds of attention, some wanted, some not.

As the final exams loom on the horizon, a strange quiet descends upon Paper School. It's a time when pencils are set aside, and the relentless scribbling of notes pauses; the focus shifts entirely to absorbing the teachings. This period is known among the students as the calm before the ultimate storm-the final exams. For many, these exams are the final hurdle, a test of all they've learned, and for some, a test of survival.

For you, this period means your classroom is more packed than ever. Word has spread about your calm demeanor and the higher chance of success in your class. It seems that almost every student has now chosen your course, hoping to glean whatever wisdom they can to pass the final challenge. Despite the terrifying reputation you hold for dealing with those who fail, the seats in your classroom fill quickly. It's an ironic twist of fate that the teacher known for the most chilling consequences is also the most sought after when survival hangs in the balance.

Elsewhere in Paper School, the atmosphere remains much the same. Other teachers, like Miss Circle, don't see the same surge in attendance. Her classroom remains a place of dread, where students are unfortunate enough to land due to the cruel lottery of class assignments. Her reputation for explosive anger and the sight of desks and chairs reduced to splinters at the slightest provocation keeps many at bay. Only those with no other choice, those desperate for survival, find themselves under her tutelage, bracing for the storm of her rage at every wrong answer.

Miss Circle, with her volatile nature, embodies the fear that permeates the very walls of Paper School. She's a storm personified, her classroom a battleground where the slightest misstep can lead to destruction. Yet, even she can't help but be drawn to the anomaly of your classroom. The stark contrast between your orderly, calm approach and her chaotic fury is a puzzle she seems eager to solve. There's a curiosity in her gaze, a question unasked about how you manage to maintain control and command respect without resorting to her methods of intimidation and violence.

As the final exams draw closer, the tension in the school becomes palpable. The hallways, usually echoing with the sounds of hurried footsteps and whispered fears, now carry a different weight. There's a sense of urgency, a collective holding of breath as students prepare for what might be their final challenge.

Your classroom becomes a haven in these troubled times, a place where the storm outside seems to fade away, if only for a moment. Here, in the eerie calm, students find a sliver of hope. They cling to your every word, knowing that this may be their best chance at making it through.

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