Wahs Game

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Mila is a lovely girl, she lives in Auckland in New Zealand. She is a huge rugby league supporter, she loves the Warriors. One day in April she got tickets to the Warriors game. She was overjoyed, she hadn't been to a game in 3 years.

[The day of the game]

Mila grabbed her backpack and shoved her Warriors hoodie in it with all her necessities. She then ran to her room and grabbed the large sign she made for the game. Her sign said " LESSGO WAHS!". She also had a sharpie in her pocket in case she met one of the players.

[Just before the game]

She rushed out of her house, she knew she'd be late. She jumped into her car, speeding up the road. She sped around the round about, down the road and then stopped at the lights. Soon enough she was outside of the stadium, she was shocked she made it a few minutes before kickoff. She rushed in, getting her bag and ticket checked before rushing to her seat.

[At kickoff]

The loud speakers burst into sound.

'TODAY WERE HERE WITH THE WARRIORS-' all the Warriors fans screamed and cheered.

'AND THE BRISBANE BRONCOS!' people cheered happily. Mila gasped she hadn't known it was the Broncos, she had miss read the ticket. She thought it would be the Rabbitohs, but she wasn't complaining she loved the Broncos.

The game started and people were cheering, yelling, screaming. Mila was so happy to finally be back at a league game, she was smiling like a little girl with candy.

[10 minutes into the game]

Shaun Johnson scored a try, everyone stood up cheering and so did Mila.


People cheered, but only minutes later a face whom was unfamiliar to Mila scored a try.


Mila hadn't heard of Jordan Riki, honestly she only knew the Broncos for Reece Walsh. She noticed how happy Jordan was when he scored. She smiled for him, in her head she thought...

He's quite handsome...wait no he's on the other team.

Mila was so transfixed on Jordan she didn't realize it was half time until Jordan started running off field.

[After half time]

The Warriors were in the lead with 14-12. Mila was ecstatic. But it all went downhill in the remaining 5 minutes. Kotoni Staggs scored a try and Reece the goal/conversion. Then Herbie Farnsworth scored a try this time Reece missed the goal/conversion. The score was now 14-22. People started yelling. '5.....4.....3.....2.....1' buzzers went off and the teams stopped playing.

The speaker turned on, it's sounds frightening Mila. 'THE BRONCOS WIN! WITH THEIR INCREDIBLE COMEBACK IN THE LAST 5 MINUTES!' The speaker announced. People booed and cheered, Mila just smiled awkwardly as people were angrily cussing around her.

[After The Interview Thingys]

Jordan started walking around the field talking to fans, signing things, and taking photos. He then approached where Mila sat.

'Hey guys!' He said talking to all his fans who were crowding the edge of the barrier.

Jordan signed a bunch of shirts, shoes, signs, hoodies and hats. He also took a load of photos with people. He then walked right in front of Mila.

'Hey there, you like nice' he said sweetly.

'Thank you' Mila flushed.

'It's my pleasure' he smiled.

Mila just smiled back, she was slightly red.

'Well what's your name' Jordan questioned, people were slowly leaving as it was getting a bit later.

'Huh, oh uh I'm Mila' she responded.

'Well Mila, that's a beautiful name I'm Jordan' He smiled at her with a spark in his eye that made him look irresistible.

'Y-yeah...I know' she smiled awkwardly.

'I thought you would, but I didn't want to be cocky by just assuming' he smiled.

Why's he so humble, and so sweet. He called me pretty am I red, Omg I'm so embarrassing.

Mila thought. She smiled at his awnser.

'Uh Mila' he whispered.

'Yeah' she said In a whisper as he pulled her out of her trance.

'Would you meet me at Piha Beach? On Tuesday?' He asked shyly.

'Y-yeah of course, but may I ask why?' She responded, trying to hide her shock.

'I just....want to get to know you better' he responded sweetly.

By now only very few people remain, these people being die hard Warriors fans who don't want to go near Jordan. Jordan chuckles as he hears one of them say 'Damn Broncos think their better' the guy scoffed. I giggle along with Jordan.

'So will you meet me at Piha Beach?' He asked.

'Yeah' Mila smiled, she was shocked.

'Cool, meet me there on Tuesday at 5pm' he smiled softly, his smile warming Mila's heart.

'Uh, until then here's a souvenir' Jordan said smiling.

He removed his shirt signing it, and handing it to Mila. Mila's eyes glued to Jordan's face as he smiled.

'You good Mila?' He questioned.

'Yeah I'm fine' she smiled.

After a while Mila has to go and she is smiling widely as she leaves.

Glass House [Fem OC x Jordan Riki]Where stories live. Discover now