A Foolish Mistake of Cindy

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Cindy pov:
I was returning from my college to my apartment. I has the best day in the college since all the lecturers appreciated me. I was so happy that I wanted to dance around whole, but yeah of course everyone would think I'm a college lunatic.
I came to my apartment and entered the elevator. Just then I've seen another unknown room when the elevator was levitating above... The door no. 666.
This was weird cause there's only floor numbers upto 1-200.
I thought I was going crazy only because of my lecturers praising me or something.
So I entered my room no. 102.
That's also weird...cause the door number down on the 6th floor is 666, but on the seventh floor it's 102....?
But I brushed it aside and knocked on the door.

Lindy pov:

I am Lindy, I am 14 years of age. I was always early from the school waiting for my sister Cindy who is 16 years of age. Suddenly I heard a faint door knock and I was so excited and wide opened the door.
I never seen my sister thus happy or excited before. So I tried to pull her leg asking some weird questions to make her mad. Hahaha.
"Sister, what's up? Have you finally found a way to cheat or something in the exam today?" I said.
Cindy always the short tempered one replied "OH just stop this! Who would care about cheating on the slip test?!"
I laughed and replied asking
"Sorry about that. Buy I was just wondering why you're excited?"
Cindy rolls the eyes saying, "UGH! You're infuriating! I was just appreciated by my lecturers."
I gasped. I was shocked to hear this and I said
"WAIT! Am I hearing this right?! There's no way, right??"
Cindy laughs saying "Yuh-uh! There is a way!"
I mirrored her words but a change in it and replied back saying "NUH-UH!"
Cindy replies back irritated saying "YUH-UH!"

After some moments of the argument, I finally believed her. "OKAY fine, I believe in you, sis. But you don't know one thing...."
Cindy furrows hee eye brows asking what it was....
I smiled playfully taking her bag and running up the stairs saying FAR AWAY, KEEP AWAY!! HAHAHA"
Cindy quick to react clenched her fists chasing me up all around.

Just then, we both stumbled upon a blocked small door up the stairs...I was unsure if we could enter it cause it said DO NOT OPEN.
But my sister Cindy wasn't scared at all and rushed forth and wide opened the door.
But nothing happened....
Suddenly there was a flash and in some seconds, the door become black and sucked us both in.....
We started to scream as it's absorbing us whole in!!

To be continued......

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