Warming Embrace

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Midnight was pouring with heavy snow, and a coyote, Blizzard, is tracking through. In his arms was a hybrid, Makenzie. Makenzie shivered and clung tight to Blizzard, trying to intake his heat to stay awake. He was also wounded from a skirmish he and Blizzard were involved in only mere hours ago.

Blizzard: Just you hold on... I got you...

Makenzie: Mmmhh... H-hhh!

Blizzard continued to run, practically skipping his steps. He ran until he reached a structure that was small but doable from his knowledge. Blizzard kicked the door open and rushed Makenzie to a warm spot and played him down on a soft furniture piece. He then kneeled down to Makenzie, reaching out to his face to turn it towards him.

Blizzard: Mak, can you hear me? Are you okay?

Makenzie: Yeah... I'm- AGH!

Makenzie tried to move his leg, but it only made him cry out in pain. His thigh had a deep wound that bled all over the cloth that Blizzard covered it with.

Blizzard lays Makenzie down gently, shushing him to ease his tension. He took off the hybrid's crimson belt and sat it aside. Then, he got up and went into another room, getting a first aid kit. He walks back over to Makenzie and removes the cloth over the wound in the hybrids thigh. Blizzard tends to the wound, applying alcohol and bandaging wraps over it. Makenzie luckily didn't feel too much pain left over, but he was still in no condition to walk.

Makenzie: Bliz, can you- ngh! [he tries to lean upward] Can you sit me up, please?

Blizzard: Alright, um... just give a sec.

Makenzie: Yeah.

The coyote leaned over him and carefully sat him up, holding his arms in his hands. It was no effort for Blizzard to ever pick up Makenzie or even move him. After he had moved him, Blizzard sat beside Makenzie to catch himself a moment of relief. He laid his head back, covering his face with one hand.

The pair had been in fights before, many being bloody or harming, but the last one so far has left them exhausted and battered. Makenzie looked towards Blizzard and then moved towards him carefully, making small groans of pain but nothing too alerting. Blizzard took notice, looking at him trying to stop him, but by then, Makenzie was already close and comfortable to him.

Blizzard: Hey, be careful. Don't move too much.

Makenzie: I've been through worse, I just want some closer company, that's all. Do you mind?

Blizzard: No, of course not. I'm sorry, I'm not really in a good headspace at the moment. I can't stop thinking about Kody... I hope he's okay.

Makenzie: Don't worry, he's fine. I know it. He's a strong boy - just like his dad.

Blizzard felt a blush arise on his own face and look up at the ceiling.

Blizzard: Yeah, maybe he is.

Makenzie: Not "maybe," Bliz. He IS. Come on, just relax now. We're safe. He is safe.

Blizzard: And here I thought I was taking care of you. Thanks, Mak... Really. How's your leg?

Makenzie: Hurts like hell, but I've been there, so maybe it's not so bad. I'll be okay. Thank you. I can't believe you carried me here. What a gentleman~

Blizzard: I mean, it's not that hard to pick you up.

Makenzie chuckles, and so did Blizzard. The two slowly turned chuckling into laughter. They calmed down and then looked at each other, locking eyes. Blizzard magenta irises contrasted with Makenzie's blood red eyes that took up both his iris and sclera. Makenzie looks up at Blizzard for a short second before looking down to his own lap. He blushed and took aoft breathes, closing his eyes.

Blizzard looks at Makenzie, tilting his head and reaching out to his chin, making the hybrid look back at him. Makenzie was surprised by his actions, and he couldn't think of what to do or how to react besides taking liking to it in the moment.

Blizzard: You know... [he leans closer to Makenzie] Sometimes I like just looking at you. You're different, and it's not easy to describe. You're a really beautiful thing to me.

Makenzie: W-What are you getting at?

The coyote giggles and despite playing dumb, Makenzie had more than just complimentary feelings towards Blizzard for a while, but he's tried to keep them down. He starts blushing from the coyotes' words and trying to grab his arm that holds his face, but he only holds it.

Makenzie: Bliz, I uh... I don't know what to say.

Blizzard: You don't have to say anything, Stitches.

Makenzie: I hate when you call me that.

Blizzard: Alright, well, now you're just lying.

Makenzie: And you're bold for making a move on me. What's next?

Blizzard: What do YOU want next? I can see tell you're liking it~ I can stop if you'd like that as well.

Makenzie: No, I- I think I like it.

Just then, Makenzie starts to climb upon Blizzard. He straddled the coyotes lap, making him blush and shock to see Mak be in that position now. Makenzie rests his hands on Blizzard's shoulders, moving to his patterned chest that matched his face. Blizzard's tail wagged excitedly and now wanting to keep tension with Makenzie, he wraps his arms gently around the hybrids waists and backside. Makenzie smiles softly and plays with the zipper of his suit. He pulled it down to reveal his half furred and half scaly grey body to his coyote partner.

Makenzie: It’s hot in here...

Blizzard: Is it? Or maybe that's just you, Little Mak.

Makenzie: Keep talking like that, and you'll be on heat like me~

Blizzard: Threatening me with a good time?

Makenzie: Is it working?

Blizzard: Working isn't enough to describe it. [he chuckles]

The coyote rubs down Makenzie's back before reaching the back of his head and brings his face closer to his own. The two look at each other with bedroom eyes and finally kiss. Their eyes close and soft moans emit from both. Makenzie pulls away, looking off to the side to take in the moment and what he just allowed himself to do. Then, he looks at Blizzard with loved flashed eyes, and they kiss again. Blizzard pulls down the torso half of Makenzie's suit. Scars were ridden all over the hybrids back, seemingly never healed but not bleeding or ever infected.

Blizzard holds Makenzie as he lays him down and gets on top of him. They hold each others hands, and the night ensues further.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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