Ch 1 - A Fresh Start...

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This is me every day.




Non-POV Character: "Speaking/YELLING/Quote"

"POV/Character speaking out loud"



'"Faded/Past voices"




("Author Note"/"AUTHOR'S RAGE!!!")

POV Self-Narrative (If it is third POV )


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[---- ...Kinda ----]

[----Mc/Limited POV----]

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[----Mc/Limited POV----]


"Being selfish is the human justification for preserving happiness"


[--Mc/Limited Pov--]

"Lush green forests till the eye can see. Plantlife sports a multitude of colors, oh, and there's one that ate a huge ahh bug just now. Grass that was green from the stem changes to purple, red, and blue at the ends. A ragged, worn-down, building with broken walls, torn tapestry, and a lone door frame standing by itself without support, and the flooring was cracked as grass seeped through. Within the center of the ruined building sat a person on a crystalline throne. Their presence radiated elegance and maturity with their figure and face being stoic discreet and elegant."


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