Part 3 The truth

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Knowing that chatting with space probes is becoming a catastrophe, Miriam's true friends tried to solve the problem and Sofia said:
- What have we done, now how are we going to stop the situation! -
:- Don't worry, we'll take care of it! - said Arbitrio. So while Gallagher entered a hotel thinking that the probes are there, they stopped her and confessed that the probes were theirs. This caught Miriam's attention and she turned away from them with a threatening face:
- What!? Are you the space probes!? How did you manage to dress in them?-
:- Not having found a probe we dressed in them so as not to hurt your feelings, instead we made a mess, and we're sorry.-
:- Don't worry, I forgive you for this, but given that there are impostors who are space probes, I will find one.-
:- Ok!

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