Part 3

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Planet Varods

Jinata System, Core Worlds

The armor is on the side of the bed. Next to a set of neck collars. Only the blaster pistol is close by. The couple is under the blankets. Deep orange fingers dance around Juuine own fingers. "Allia asked me to thank you for today. She knows how to handle most customers, but your friend is big and strong."

Juuine kisses Anyzia and add with a soft voice "He is not my friend. Does she know... you know... us?" Anyzia laughs "Enough to know we talk. Not enough to know we do more than talking."

Her hands are now playing with his short black hair. "I thought you would stay longer this time" Juuine holds her hand and kiss her palm "Me too. We got a sudden assignment. I will come back." Anyzia gets pretty close to Juuine. Her purple eyes looking straight to him. "It is not safe what we're doing. Everyone from the squads is here." She lowers her eyes "I miss you very much, but we have to be careful."

Juuine looks at her. "I know, I just couldn't leave without seeing you." They look at each other attentively. Then Juuine adds "I talked with a friend in the Imperial Security Bureau. He is a good person. He thinks he can help us. My buddy will start the background check process. Get your name clear, and then we can stop hiding."

Anyzia eyes shine. She smiles "I like it!" Anyzia moves her two lekku, the Twi'lek head appendages. Juuine grins. "You do that every time you're nervous." The Twi'lek looks down. "This new mission. Is it dangerous?"

Juuine shrugs "I don't know. Sometimes it can be." Anyzia hops on top of Juuine. She touches her forehead into his and stare him in the eyes. "You come back. OK?"

Juuine takes some time just staring at her bright purple eyes. And then smiles. "OK."

Starlight Chronicles: 01 - Imperial ServiceWhere stories live. Discover now