How it all started

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A/N: Guess who's back :D. I had some inspiration on what to do for this fanfic from my english exam so dont expect this to be really good please, anyways hope you guys enjoy this if you enjoyed my last story. I will be talking about it at the end of this chapter so please stay around for that:3 Now, enough talking and onto the story!


Elijah's pov

When I woke up, I honestly thought it would be a normal weekend. You know, playing video-games with Ezra, my best friend, eating a lot of candy, staying up late, the usual, you know? I went downstairs with my pyjama's which was really just a white tee-shirt and some grey sweatpants, basic but comfortable. My mom and little sister were already there. Mom was cooking something and my little sister, who's name was Elena, I know, not a lot of creativity when coming up with our names but i didnt mind, was eating some waffles. I greeted both of them to open the fridge and grab the soy milk. No I'm not lactose intolerent, I just think it tastes better than normal milk. Compared to Elena, she prefers normal milk rather than soy milk, I think shes wierd for that but we have our own preferences. I greet both of them and grab my share of waffles that my mom made. She always makes the best waffles in my opinion. As I'm eating, my phones rings. Who would call me at this hour, its like 8am? Wait, why did I even get up this early? I shake my thoughts and look at who called me. Its Ezra, huh wierd, I was just thinking about him.  I answered his call.

-Ezra? Why are you calling at this hour?

-Elijah, hey, no time to explain but can you please come to my house like right now, I need help with something. Can you come soon?

I was a bit taken a back by the desperation in his voice. I checked the time and I didnt have anything to do soon so I accepted. I told him I'd be there and ended the call, I finished eating my pancakes quickly, which resulted me into being scolded by my mom for eating too quickly but I dismissed it, I finished drinking my milk and I went back to my room. I changed out of my nightwear into a black hoodie with a pink dragon on it and some ripped jeans. I went downstairs, put on some sneakers and went out of the house, telling my mom of course. I took my bike and biked all the way to Ezra's house. It took me about ten minutes to get to his house. Once I arrived to his home, I put my bike in their parking lot next to the big grey car they have. I knock on the door and Ezra's dad comes to open the door, he lets me inside as I greet him and his wife that are eating in the living room. I go up to his room and open his door. What I saw shocked me.

-Ezra, what is that??

-It's an alien.

-Where did you find an alien? Also aren't they just a myth

-I found them in the forest next to the park, and no, they're not just a myth, Elijah

-Well, what are you going to do? 

-Raise it

-...Ezra. Say sike right now.

-Elijah, I know this might sound insane but I can't just leave it out there! Think about what the people might do to them if they find out that aliens actually exist! They might test on this little guy!

-I know what you mean but you cant just keep it in your house! What if it kills your parents? What if it kills you? What would you do then?

We kept arguing like this until we finally calmed down

-So you really want to keep it and raise it as your own child?

-Yes, we talked about this Elijah

-How are you even going to do that alone? It's kinda like being a single mother to be honest.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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