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The Universe spent its eternity alone, its existence filled with solitary contemplation, ceaseless imagination, and insatiable longing. This profound yearning for companionship, for something beyond itself, eventually culminated in the emergence of The Great Gods: Zodthur, the god of fortune; Othonar, the god of light; Vollith, the goddess of death; and Lythyrra, the mightiest among them. With their arrival, the Universe found a newfound sense of fulfillment, finally able to share its thoughts, emotions, and desires with others. However, the harmony did not last. The beings the Universe had brought forth began to revolt, perceiving their creator as feeble, vulnerable, and overly reliant on emotions. Thus ensued a conflict that spanned ten millennia, resulting in the Universe's consciousness being imprisoned within an impregnable fortress. With the Universe sealed away, The Great Gods wielded unfathomable power. Lythyrra, in her ascendancy as the goddess of all, commanded the others, bending them to her will unchallenged. Despite their authority, they struggled to replicate the Universe's achievements, endlessly forging worlds, and lifeforms in pursuit of its brilliance, yet always falling short of their aspirations. Frustrated by their lack of progress, Lythyrra sought out the Universe's incarcerated consciousness, discovering the secrets of existence hidden within. From the depths of the Universe's mind, she extracted the essence of life itself: sentient beings, raw emotion, the delicate balance between light and death. With this stolen knowledge, Lythyrra crafted the first human soul, a prototype from which all others would spring forth. Empowered by this breakthrough, The Great Gods expanded their creations beyond the bounds of Earth, fashioning four additional dimensions: the Afterlife, the Underworld, the Between, and Fasvadire. Each realm bore the imprint of their ambitions, yet none could match the majesty of the Universe's original design. Not until humans began to evolve did whatever Llythyrra had built the soul out of work. The humans built villages, languages, civilization. They were primitive, yes, and much slower compared to them, but it was something — something beautiful. Unlike the others, Llythyrra slowly changed from a goddess seeking more power to rule over more beings, to then wanting them to strive for greater heights. Othonar and Zodthur too wanted this, but Vollith did not, believing that these humans, these animals, were capable of doing more. Eventually, Vollith created other creatures, other beings to rival that of Llythyrra's creation. The two fought, and Lythyrra, being the stronger of them, locked her away into the underworld where she now rules over the souls of not only humans, but all other beings. Although angry at first, Vollith found herself at peace. She discovered an ability to weave pocket dimensions. Those who led an honorable life would be placed into a dimension of their greatest desires. Those who led a life of misfortune would get a world of terror. Those who were so evil, so capable of harm, would serve a much fouler fate: to serve her at the base of the underworld for all of eternity. Lythyrra watched diligently, wanting to destroy the creatures Vollith created, but perhaps she didn't need to. In light of her ego, the great goddess bestowed upon man the art of magic. That was her first mistake. It was simple at first, but the creatures of the world got their hands on it as well, and soon it evolved into a complex web of hundreds of various types of sorcery. Some were born with it, others had to use unnatural means. The peace in the world had vanished. A few affluent individuals created the world's first true nation, The Heladonic Empire. After much conflict, the empire broke apart into various other nations: The Kingdom of Orerha, The Yokonland Empire, The Kingdom of New Heladon, and The Yorothen Oligarchy. Angered by the war brought upon by her own creation, she brought everyone on the continent together. Selecting the most bloodthirsty individuals of each nation, she bathed them in holy oil and burned them alive in front of everyone, to warn them, show them that their actions had consequences. This did not work. Instead, the leaders used this as propaganda and turned it into a form of execution that they claimed Lythyrra wanted. For another two thousand years, Lythyrra attempted to steer humans back in the right direction, but when the War On Man began, she disappeared. A war begun by another humanlike species to wipe out mankind. A brutal conflict that would last forty long years and wipe out half the population. She abandoned the earth. Abandoned the people. To seek out The Universe's Mind. To free it. The War On Man eventually ended with victory belonging to the humans, and the other race being mostly wiped out. The leader of the war, the one who began it all, Belzarok, was banished to hell, or so the people of Heladon thought. One human, one man named Thadomir, knew he couldn't have vanished so easily. When Llythyrra went away, she left behind hints for those strong enough to follow, those who were of the original, the first bloodline she created, to find The Auras of Life. Supposed beings that can give the discoverer whatever they dreamt of. Thadomir, pure in his intentions, wanted not only to wipe out Belzarok even from hell but also to shape the world in a better light. He found The Auras of Life after giving up so much in return. Being children of Llythyrra, they found his plans blasphemous, as if the world she tried so hard to fix was imperfect, and they believed it was paradise. So, they set upon him a curse, leading Thadomir to banish himself into the caves between The Mainland and The Theosilic Regions. The Auras of Life, tired of waiting, relentlessly wanting to break free, to find the perfect host, cast stones upon the world. Stones that only the original bloodline could unlock, and if done, would then harness them. The Theosilic Regions, cold and harsh, unforgiving and brutal, belong to some of the strangest and most dangerous creatures in the world. Harbored by the very beginning of life, these lands were abandoned thousands of years ago as the snow slowly crept in. Only those in isolation, those seeking escape from politics and the brutality of the current nations, reside there. All the nations attempted at least once to claim this land. None succeeded, and most had given up. Heladon, a nation where all other nations began, the most populated and politically corrupt of them all. Believing in wealth, power, and the only true religion of Llythyrra. Orerha, a kingdom with the strongest military known to man, also harbored the most well-known rebellion, Bridgevault. With beliefs belonging to that of engineering, wealth, and conquering the rest of the continent. These two nations, swallowed within their own pride, still sought to claim Theosilic for their own. The land would not allow that, and every attempt was battered by what lived inside. Abandoned by their creator, tormented by themselves, and struggling with interwoven politics of their own formation. Mankind, the creatures of greed, corruption, and misfortune, raged on.

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