Untitled Part 26

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Even though his mind was focused on the huntress interacting with their son, Bau'jah couldn't help but be struck once again by the strong female before him. Pa'u zhaan was considered attractive by yautja standards: strong, tough, and intelligent, any male would be honored to mate with her. Whereas his hooman mate looked nothing alike his kind, she was weak, tiny, and soft, but that did little to take away from her sexual appeal and ethereal beauty. Gahtan was right, his hooman was considered extremely attractive among her own kind, and the leather outfit he made for her accentuated every curve. Another part of his mind that still harbored the distaste for hoomans couldn't help but wonder if it was merely her physical appearance that was so stunning, or if it was something more. All in all, mating with a hooman was certainly and completely out of character for him. But he enjoyed every second of it, too addicted that he wouldn't want to leave her. Suddenly, he was in no mood to impress the strong huntress right now. Breaking his attention away, he looked at her direction, then he blinked in disbelief at the empty spot beyond the training ground where she was standing earlier. He cursed himself.

Pauk! She'd disappeared from his sight! In a short time when his mind was occupied somewhere else! Immediately, he left the huntress and his son, ignored Pa'u zhaan's displeased glare, too. If it wasn't for her distraction, he wouldn't have lost his hooman mate. Damn Pa'u zhaan. Mostly damn himself for allowing such distraction, his instincts to impress before a tough female had costed him. He couldn't help thinking about the potential danger of her wandering around the vessel all alone, it was unnerving. How could he leave her there when she was still angry with him?

He was able to track her scent to the elevator and that was where her smell had ended. He checked his quarters first, she wasn't there. He began to search madly in the hallways but the whole crew deck smelled like mating musk. It completed concealed her scent!

Pauk! Pauk! Pauk! He was going mad! He wanted to tear up the entire vessel! He wanted to punch all the hunters on his kill list! Nobody better touch her or hurt her, otherwise their ends wouldn't be pleasant. He guaranteed it.

Luckily, she showed up before that happened.

"Where the pauk did you go?!" Bau'jah asked the moment after the door was closed behind them in his quarters. He was infuriated after that stunt she had pulled, mostly with himself, he was acutely aware of how rebellious his hooman mate could be, and she was never good at listening his instructions. He shouldn't have left her alone in the beginning.

"I don't know, I got lost." Ray lied, walking towards the table to act casually, she couldn't tell him the truth.

"Why didn't you wait for me?! Do I have to put a tracker on you?" His voice was dripping with worry and fear, she gave him such a fright disappearing like that. He was very close to make a ship-wide call, it'd be humiliating for him of course, for not able to keep an eye on his hooman. His reputation had suffered enough blows.

"Don't you dare! If you put a tracker on me, you can say goodbye to our bedroom activities, including the blowjobs." She threatened angrily, afraid he might just do that, then her plan would fall apart. The truth was she got jealous, she got hurt, but he wouldn't understand it. This was a man who could never love her back like the way she loved him.

Pauk, it was cruel of her to say that. Immediately, his tone softened, "you shouldn't be running off like that, you could get hurt on this vessel. It's alright, I've got you now."

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pressed her body against him, feeling the heat emanating off her, he buried his tusks into her soft hair, inhaled deeply, he smelled faint musk on her, which it made sense due to the active mating on the crew deck, but there was another male's scent on her predominated over the musk. He gently pushed her away, he saw her eyes swollen with redness.

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