sicky kb

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kb was sound asleep against mill, his breathing calm.

Mill was quietly listening to kb's breathing.

Its been a long night, and little kyukyu has woken up coughing numerous times, and his throat starting to hurt.

He texts nine to bring him pain medicine and a little medicine syringe.

kb wakes up coughing, and starts to cry as it hurts alot.

Mill gently sits up kb, as Nine walks in with his fluffy slippers.

he pours out the right amount of medicine and uses the clear syringe to pull the medicine into it, he goes and hands it to Mill.

Nine gently holds baby kb on his lap, holding him gently.

Mill gives him the medicine pushing the stopper down so the medicine goes into his mouth.

Yoojung hearing the commotio shuffles in sleepily with some apple cider.

"Won't apple cider hurt more?"

"not if its it cold enough." Mill replied to Nine's question.

Yoojung watches as kb takes tiny sips from his sippy cup.

"I find it funny how we don't actually have a sippy cup for him, we just have a mini reusable water bottle and call it his sippy cup."

Mill smiles softly.

"Well if lyOn saw one of us at the store looking at sippy cups, rumours would go around right?"

"correct." Yoojung said yawning.

Nine gently rocks back and forth with kb.

"He's really adorable."

Yoojung pushes aside his eepiness, and sits down by Nine, peppering kb's eepy face with kisses.

Causing him to start squealing at the kisses!

Mill gently quiets down kb, and hums softly, it's still late, so he needs to get more eep.

"We should have a day, where we just sit and play blocks or watch movies with Kyubin. We flock around him when he's smol and cute, but when he's not little, we don't really give him attention."

Nine nods. "True.. like with little kb, we can tickle him and baby him, and he loves it, but non little Kyubin, doesn't like it..."

"Kyubin won't let me give him kisses, but kb loves them."

"So it's settled tomorrow, we'll spend more time with Kyubin too."

Yoojung gently shushes.

Mill and Nine both look at a sleeping kb, laying against him.

"Lets get him to bed, boys."

Nine very gently lays kb on his bed, gently moving his bangs from his face.

"Good night kb"

Nine and Mill, leave the room.

Yoojung changes into his pjs, and goes to go eep, when he hears kb whining.

He quietly lays down and gently cuddles him.

kb lays hid head against Yoojung's chest and goes back to eep.

Yoojung dozes off too.

little kb stories [book 2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant