.:chapter five:.

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It was eerily silent. Jacob walked down the empty hallway, the sound of his boots hitting the stone floor echoing with each step. Cold, drafty air wafted around the old stone estate. November was merciless in this part of the country; harsh winds and heavy snowfall dominated the daily weather. He had fulfilled every part of his mission, except for the last step. Jacob sighed, watching his breath swirl through the frosty air. He surely would face punishment from Phillips now. His job was to get the girl to the safe house in Montana. What wasn't in the plan, however, was for her to be so stubborn, inquisitive, and... damaged. Her actions caused the entire last half of the plan to change, nearly fall apart. The diphenhydramine-hydrogen cyanide compound he had to inject into her neck was only one fifth of the fatal dose, just enough to make her brain activity drop dangerously low and knock her unconscious. Still, it was a last resort and now she was unresponsive.

Jacob pivoted his hips sharply, slamming his boot into the wall. He leaned his forehead against the rough stone and sighed to himself. He wasn't sure what the outcome of this meeting with Phillips would mean. It might end in a suspension from duty, which was the one thing Jacob feared most. He had apprentices and it would cause a huge hassle for everyone. Jacob wouldn't be expelled from the forces- that would only happen if the girl was dead. The second, and only other possibility, would be a warning and the loss of Phillip's trust.

Neither seemed promising.

Jacob breathed out heavily and continued on his way, only stopping again when he reached Phillips' office. A pair of brown eyes and a raised eyebrow looked up at him when he opened the door to Phillip's waiting room.

"Hello, Joan," Jacob muttered in greeting.

Joan gave him a sly smirk. "He's been yelling and throwing things at the wall for the past hour. Here's your agent termination forms and discretion waiver," she said giddily before shoving a stack of papers against his chest.

Jacob froze. "Wh-what? But he sai-"

"-calm down, Forester, I'm only joking," Joan interrupted, rolling her eyes. "You might want to keep the forms, though. Just in case," she continued.

He sighed in relief before turning his cold, steely gaze back on her.

"I will forever curse the day in which you came here," Jacob growled.

"You've cursed it for the past seventeen years, Jakey-Wakey. Now wipe that scowl off your face- must have given your mother a fright when you came out with it."

Jacob chose to ignore the insult and gave her a look of disbelief. He opened his mouth to retort but was cut off by the sound of a door opening in front of him, causing both to turn their attention to the man glaring at the two of them.

"Hey-o, daddy-o," Joan yelled.

Phillips glanced her way and then looked back at his top agent.

"Joan, go back to your station. You have a job and you need to do it. As for you, Forester, we have matters to discuss," Phillips stated.

"She hasn't woken up for weeks, John, I highly doubt she'll wake up now-" Joan started.

"Go," Phillips ground out.

Joan sighed and headed back to the medical ward, but not before flicking Jacob in the temple and getting a death glare in return. She grinned and walked off.

Jacob turned back to Phillips and grey eyes met blue. While Phillips was a good three inches shorter than he was, Jacob's captain never failed to intimidate him. Phillips turned and walked into his office, holding the door open for his right-hand man. Jacob followed tentatively, wondering how thick the eggshells he would have to walk on were. Phillips closed the door softly and walked to his desk, taking a seat. Jacob waited for an invitation to seat himself, knowing that any actions that would have been normal formerly might be considered crossing a foot over the line now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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