pt 1

17 0 0

characters: Mal, Ben, Evie, doug, uma, harry, Jane, carlos 

Main idea: Mal, Evie, carlos, uma, harry, and  are pranking Doug, Jane, Ben 

There fiaryssenger (messenger) names

Piratevkchiller = uma piratechillerdude = harry

King Ben = Ben vkqueen = mal

Evie4hearts= Evie dopeydude= doug

Dogdude= Carlos fairlyfairytale= jane 

Piratevkchiller: Huh, let's get this party started

Fairlyfairytale : yay! What kind of party?

Piratevkchiller: I swear I'm cold-hearted

Fairlyfairytale: I thought we are having a party?

Piratevkchiller: There's no negotiation,I'm not here for debatin'

Piratevkchiller: You need some motivation

Dopeydude : what do you mean? 🤔

Piratevkchiller: Just look at Ben's face

Fairlyfairytale: what does that have to do with Ben's face 👀

King Ben: what does it mean????? 🤯

Piratevkchiller: Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient

Piratevkchiller: I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks

Piratevkchiller: You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart

Fairlyfairytale: 😱😨😱😨😱😨 why do you want my mom's wand

King Ben: 😱🤬😨

Vkqueen: now, lets all just be smart

Dopeydude: I don't understand what you mean 🤔

Vkqueen: although for you that must be hard 

Fairlyfairytale: 😂🤣😂


Vkqueen: you'll get your wand

King Ben: you're letting uma take over the world?!? I trusted you!😡

Vkqueen: no one has to come to any harm

Fairlyfairytale: yeah, I agree 💯

Vkqueen: don't try to intimidate 

Fairlyfairytale: oh

Vkqueen: your bark is much worse than your bite 

Fairlyfairytale: what 🤔🤨🧐

Vkqueen: Who's the baddest of them all?

Vkqueen: I guess we're finding out tonight

Dopeydude: ookayy 🤨

Piratevkchiller: let's go, bring it on 

Piratevkchiller: better give us what we want 

Dopeydude: what do you want?🧐

Fairlyfairytale: I think she wants my mom's wand 🧚‍♀️

King Ben: uma wants what!?!

Piratevkchiller: It's the wand for the crown

If you don't, it's going down

Fairlyfairytale: see!😆

King Ben: what do you mean "it's going down"

Piratevkchiller: Let's go, make your move

Peace or war, it's up to you

Fairlyfairytale: peace! 🕊️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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