X. Planning in the Shadows

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As Leana and Gundar navigated the winding streets of Orctown, a noticeable hush had settled over the town, marking the "wife hour." During this time, the usual clamor of orc warriors was replaced by a quieter, yet no less daunting presence of orc women with veiled faces and half-orc servants silently going about their chores. The streets, typically echoing with orcish bravado, now whispered with a subdued tension.

Leana moved cautiously, each flutter of movement in her periphery sending her instincts into high alert, every unexpected sound causing her heart to skip a beat. She felt like a prey animal threading through a predator's den. What was a relatively short journey through the town stretched into what seemed an eternity under the weight of their perilous mission.

The veiled faces of the orc women lent an air of mystery and unease. Their eyes, the only visible feature, seemed to track Leana and Gundar's progress with silent scrutiny. Gundar, accustomed to the ways of Orctown, navigated with a calm assurance, but his eyes never ceased scanning their surroundings for hidden dangers.

Leana, on the other hand, tread with a heightened sense of caution, aware that each corner they turned could conceal new threats. She was constantly compelled to glance over her shoulder, half-expecting to find they were being followed or walking into an ambush.

Though the distance was not great, the journey felt interminable. With each step, they were drawn deeper into the heart of their plan and the depths of danger. The hope of finding something useful in Gundar's grandfather's room – a glimmer of light in their dark predicament – propelled Leana forward, despite the overwhelming odds they faced.

Moving forward with a blend of fear, resolve, and the burgeoning trust between them, Gundar and Leana knew retreat wasn't an option. Each step they took was a defiance of the myriad risks encircling them, embodying Leana's unyielding determination to save her only remaining family.


Navigating Orctown's intricate network of streets, Gundar and Leana endeavored to merge with the shadows, striving to evade any undue scrutiny. Yet, Gundar's lack of a shirt, a consequence of his earlier escape through the river, posed a significant challenge to their inconspicuousness. His well-defined, shirtless figure stood in stark contrast to the environment, inadvertently drawing more attention to them than Leana would have preferred.

Understanding the need for subtlety in their approach, they quickly sought to rectify this. Their priority was clear: to adapt and blend in seamlessly with the city's denizens. The task at hand was not just about physical disguise but also about moving with the cautious rhythm of the city, attuning themselves to the pulse of Orctown to navigate its dangers with minimal exposure.

They stuck to the alleyways and less-traveled paths, weaving through the town with a purposeful stealth. Despite their caution, Leana couldn't shake off the feeling of being exposed, of eyes watching them from hidden corners. With every step, one building began to loom larger in their path, drawing nearer with each turn they took. It was unmistakable – the fighting pit arena, a place that held a dark association with her brother's imprisonment.

A wave of mixed emotions washed over Leana as they approached the arena. Somewhere, in one of the buildings cast in its shadow, her brother might be held – hungry, scared, and alone. The thought of being so physically close yet so far from reaching him was a cruel irony that gnawed at her. The sight of the arena, a stark reminder of her brother's plight, filled her with a renewed sense of urgency and a simmering anger at those responsible.

Finally, they found themselves in an alley beside a nondescript building. It was here that Gundar stopped, his silent gesture indicating that they had reached their destination. The building, like many others in Orctown, had an unassuming exterior that belied the significance it held for them. It was a place that could potentially hold the key to finding her brother, a beacon in their search.

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