5. Nightmares.

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Katana would arrive at Hyperlaser's place in a matter of seconds, he was worried about him. In a panic, he would rush toward the living room, attempting to see if he was still there.

by the time katana was there, Hyperlaser was asleep with tears in his eyes, while hugging princess the cat.

Katana would see the sight of Hyperlaser, asleep in the living room. He was still crying, even when sleeping; which made his heart skip a beat or two. It pained him to see him in this state, so that urge to help him became even stronger.

He would approach carefully, avoiding disturbing Princess, so that he wouldn't disturb the sleep of the two.

He would approach carefully, avoiding disturbing Princess, so that he wouldn't disturb the sleep of the two.

Hyperlaser was still crying, and was dreaming about his trauma and his past. He started crying even more, shaking as well.

Katana's heart broke into pieces as he saw Hyperlaser in such a state. To see him in such a manner was not something he wanted to see. For a moment, he seemed to be about to move and wake him up and comfort him. However, he took a step back and decided to remain in place, thinking that it may cause more damage. The urge to do something, however... It only remained growing stronger.

Katana's breath was beginning to become uneven, as he slowly paced back and forth, trying to decide his course of action. The urge to wake Hyperlaser up was growing stronger by the moment, but he seemed to be scared to do so still.

crying and crying, he just won't stop. Hyperlaser started to curl up into a form of a ball while sleeping.

Katana was starting to feel very torn between what he should do, he wanted to go to comfort him. But he couldn't risk interrupting his sleep and making the situation even worse. The urge was becoming even stronger though, as his feet started to slowly walk forward toward Hyperlaser.

Katana was now at the feet of the sleeping Hyperlaser, as he knelt down next to him. Slowly, he started to pet his hair, his hand running through it, hoping that this would comfort him and lessen the effects of the nightmares. He would stay quiet while doing so, but his heart was beating rapidly.

Katana continued to gently run his hand through his hair, as he also kept watch over the two, making sure that Princess kept comforting Hyperlaser in his sleep. Though he could not tell why, he found this a cute and adorable sight. Even in her sleep, she was still comforting him. However, his mind quickly shifted back to the nightmares, feeling bad for him as he tried to keep him as comfortable as he could while asleep. He had to stay here with him in case he started to wake up, as his nightmares seemed to still be ongoing.

Hyperlaser started to wake up realising he was crying, he saw that katana was there, looking right at him. He quickly wiped his tears and pretended that nothing had happened.

Katana noticed, the rapid wipes of tears and the attempt of being subtle. However, it was not working on him; as he knew what was going on. He decided to remain silent, as he continued to run his hand through his hair. His presence seemed to ease Hyperlaser's panic, as his heartbeat seemed to slow down and his breath had become more stable and consistent. This was a sign that he had regained his composure. Meanwhile, Katana kept his hand upon his hair to try and help him calm down further.

Despite the attempt of being subtle, Hyperlaser still saw that he was not able to fool him. After a little while, he slowly spoke up, hoping to at least try and ease the situation a bit. His presence seemed to provide the relief that Hyperlaser needed; and he had hoped that it would continue to work in his favor.

"I see..You have been crying..."

"I-" he felt heavy, as if he couldn't speak at all.
why is that..?

"It seemed that you were having horrible nightmares." He would reply, his voice calming and soft as he did so. His hand was still upon his hair, as he tried to show and provide support to help him calm down.

"I saw.... You kept crying even while sleeping."
He would still remain calm, still rubbing his hair while doing. In an attempt to show that he was still there for him and that he was there to provide support whenever needed.

knowing that katana realised, he still tried to be subtle. " I-I swear I w-wasn't..." he stuttered.

"Your tears tell me otherwise." Katana would reply in a soft voice.

"You don't need to lie." He would say, his tone still remaining soft, but a sign of him not letting him off the hook quite yet was shown. Instead, he would keep his hand upon Hyperlaser's hair, showing that he was not giving up on his efforts to comfort him.

hyper decided it would be best if he just puts on his helmet and go to his room and stay anti-social

but was it the best idea?

Katana was about to say something, but as he saw that Hyperlaser was making an attempt to leave, he simply stayed silent. He was unsure if it would help the situation to let him go to his own room to sort things out on his own, or would it just further worsen things. It was obvious that he was going through a lot at the moment, and that he felt incredibly guilty about something. However, it was also clear that he was trying to deal with things on his own, with the hope it would make matters better, although the contrary may be the case.

Katana would stay quiet, simply observing the situation. He seemed to have some idea as to what might have been troubling him, but he was also unsure if it was completely accurate. He could not simply walk into his room and insist on being there for him, in the case of accidentally interfering with his process of emotions. There was also the chance of interrupting him before he got the chance to process everything fully in his own, even if it was against Katana's best judgment.

Katana was still silent as he watched him go, as he didn't show any signs to stop him at the moment. He would simply let him go and deal with his emotions on his own, as he kept his gaze trained upon him. His instincts told him to tell him to stay and try and comfort him in his time of need, although he did not. He simply let him get up and go. It seemed he felt it would not hurt if he gave him a bit of space, and trusted that his intuition on the matter was indeed correct.

Hyperlaser closes the door behind him and hid in the corner

clearly upset.

Katana stayed silent the entire time, not saying a word. He did watch and observe, though he did not interfere. Seeing that Hyperlaser was clearly attempting to cope and deal with his feelings all on his own, he thought that perhaps it may be for the better to let him do so for the moment.

Katana would look on, watching him for now. However, he did try a few more things, to see if he could do anything else to provide his support from here. He had decided to try and offer his support from a distance, rather than to interfere with him coping with his emotions on his own.

katana suddenly hear loud thuds on hyperlaser's room. Not sure what it is be it sounded concerning.

Katana's concern over it being loud thuds, he had assumed that it must be something negative. He had gotten up, and slowly decided to make his way to the room with the loud thuds, as his curiosity became the better of him.

How It Started... [] hypertana phighting [] (ARCHIVED.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora