Canto 81: Dusty Pride

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“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” - Joyce Meyer

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: M.H Lovecraft (Enochian_)

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Yin Guo clutched the handle of her luggage, its weight a grounding presence amidst the swirling chaos. This surprise visit was turning disastrously wrong. He wasn't here. A knot of disappointment tightened in her stomach.

Instead of a joyous reunion, she found herself marooned on a plush sofa in the heart of Dongxin City. The grand first-floor hall, usually bustling with activity, was eerily quiet. A solitary cup of chrysanthemum tea sat untouched before her, its delicate aroma a stark counterpoint to the churning unease in her gut.

As the "wife of the boss," she was now the unwilling center of attention. Curious eyes, both young and old, converged on her. Familiar faces from upstairs and down offered polite smiles, murmurs of "Mrs. Yin" rippling through the air. For those who didn't recognize her, the little girl at the front desk readily dispensed information, turning Yin Guo into an unwilling celebrity.

Professional players maintained a semblance of decorum, content with a cursory nod. But the younger generation, a gaggle of boys bordering on adolescence, were less restrained. Towering figures, easily exceeding 1.8 meters with legs that seemed to stretch on forever, they surrounded her like an eager pack of puppies.

Yin Guo couldn't help but notice how much they'd grown.

"Sixth Aunt sounds so old," one of them piped up, a mischievous glint in his dimpled cheeks. "We'll call you, Sister Guo instead."

A sharp nudge from someone nearby sent the boy stumbling. "She's Sixth Uncle's wife! You can't call her Sister," the voice hissed.

The boy, unfazed by the nudge, retorted with a grin, "Hey, it's not my fault, Uncle Six eat a tender grass! Right, Sister?"

A deep voice boomed from the doorway. A man, hurried and breathless, rushed up the steps. "Age isn't a factor here, kid," he declared, a playful glint in his eyes. As he spoke, he reached into his pocket, a glint of silver catching the light. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed something towards the group.

The teenager hesitated for a moment, but before he could react, another, faster boy snatched it mid-air. It was a dark chocolate bar, still wrapped.

"Thanks, Sixth Uncle!" the receiver exclaimed with a smile.

With a final burst of laughter, the group dispersed.

Yin Guo ran a hand through her hair, self-consciously smoothing down strands that had escaped her morning braid. A jolt of surprise shot through her as she caught her reflection in the phone screen. Gone was her usual short, neat hairstyle. In its place, a spiky, inch-long buzz cut seemed to mock her from the screen. Not exactly ideal for meeting her parents for the first time since the haircut, especially considering her surprise visit had gone awry.

Thankfully, she had ironed her clothes the night before. As long as she stayed within the confines of the dorm, it wouldn't be too disastrous.

Lin Yiyang's meticulously planned day had unraveled. Picking her up at the airport, then changing into something more presentable before heading to her house - all out the window. Now, after answering Yin Guo's call, even the airport trip was scrapped.

Now, facing Yin Guo in the bustling hall, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes. He leaned down, his voice a low murmur intended for her ears only. "Signing autographs in Dongxin City, huh? Quite the celebrity, aren't you?"

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