Chapter 44 - Under Siege

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Chapter 44: Under Siege

13:15. Saturday - April 28th.

A dry wind whipped down West Burnside Avenue, sending clouds of yellow pollen and dirty pink pedals tumbling down the sidewalk. Delivery men in rival brown and purple uniforms dodged strollers, packs of skinny-jeaned teens, and pairs of elderly. Waiting at a stoplight on his bike, Rory breathed in the fragrant spring air mingled with exhaust, marveling at all the people who had no idea what was going on in the shadows.

Across the street, a packed coffee house overflowed onto the street. Flyers covered the windows. Colorful printouts advertising everything from family juggling classes to drag shows to a funk band promising a whole new sound in a whole new experience.

New. He was all topped up on new. I need a break from new. His eyes burned, and he'd woken up with a drumming, dull ache behind his eyes. His legs felt sluggish, used, like a machine that skipped repairs. After finding a Host, maybe we can take a vacation in the Cove.

A barista passed by the window, carrying a tray of steaming mugs, and friends laughed on the sofa cushions. A queer thought sprang to mind - what if he marched inside and announced magic was real?

Would they still laugh? Would they gasp? Would they ignore him? Just another crazy man ringing the bell with a sign that read THE END IS NEAR!

The wind rolled by, and Rory shivered. How could they ever understand unless they've seen it?

The car honked behind him, and he looked up to see a green light. Throwing an apologetic wave over his shoulder, Rory kicked up to his pedals and headed west to grab some food, then to the Cove.


Armed with a bag of empanadas, Rory pumped his pedals up the hill. The road curved out of sight ahead, but he knew the brambles were just a couple of turns away. He put on the speed, reciting his pitch to Caroline and Jacklyn again in his head.

Tracy was perfect... well, except for the uncontrollable fits of rage and fear. Rory decided not to lead with that. He'd tell Mr. Oates's dog story first. What was it Bell said about feedback? Start and end with something positive, and wedge the criticism between. Rory had plenty of positives to say about Tracy, and he'd proven he could help her through her terror spells—twice. And besides, Jacklyn was dying, so they didn't have time to find a perfect candidate.

Rounding the corner to his turnoff, he nearly collided with a huge ROAD CLOSED sign. He skidded and tipped over, dropping the bag of food and barely catching himself. Why is-? The wind shifted, and he caught an acrid scent. Ahead, a thick black cloud rose through the trees. He heard voices - many voices - from the base of the smoke. Right outside the path to the Cove.

A dreaded name slithered up from his memory. Broken... Star. His heart leaped. Shit. Okay. Breathe. He looked back down the road behind him. I should get out of here.

Wheeling his bike around, he heard voices shouting, and he pictured Jacklyn smoking and dying on Conner's floor. They might need help. He stopped even though everything told him to run. I can't leave them. He ducked low, dropped the food, and quietly jogged his bike over to the turn in the road, using the thick wall of bramble to shield him from whoever was outside the Cove's entrance.

With a racing heart, he leaned around the bend.

Four unmarked black SUVs idled, blocking the road and path. Rory took a small step forward, hearing the commotion die down. Moans and cries of pain echoed through the still. He forced himself to take another step.

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