The discovery

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The next day he took a dna test and we were in shock. We were siblings?! Me and Ariana stood there in shock. All this time we were saving my brother. "..what happened and why did we get separated brother?.." I said in total confusion."..Well when you were born. Mum and dad got into an argument, and they divorced, mum decided to keep you and dad decided to keep me, then dad went out and I went missing but dad didn't care and left.." skellig said "..woah, so much information.." I said. "..well now you guys are reunited!.." Ariana said. We all did a group hug and eventually Skellig told the police of his dad and he went to jail. Then skellig moved in with us and we took him to the hospital he recovered and moved in!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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