AO3 - Nick and Charlie

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In Nick and Charlie's relationship, it's always felt like Nick was the more romantic one of the two. He spoke fluent French for crying out loud, what's more romantic than that? Of course Charlie tried to be romantic and set up cute dates, he'd try and make a candlelit dinner or go for a cute picnic in the park. But somehow he always messed it up, accidentally fumbling over words, or dropping a sandwich on the grass. Which of course Nick found adorable and always reassured Charlie that it was okay. But this time, Charlie was going to propose to Nick, and he wasn't going to mess it up.

Nick was currently teaching his last day of primary school for the year, the night before, him and Charlie had spent their evening which was normally taken up by cuddling on the sofa and watching TV but usually ended in them making out with little to no actually watching TV, was instead taken up by them filling up over a dozen little goodie bags for Nick's students. This is one of the things Charlie loved so much about Nick, he cared about his job so much and was so passionate. Which is one of the things on a long list of reasons why he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Nick.

Charlie had been planning the details of his proposal to Nick for a while now, and one of those very important details was that it happened whilst in Paris. While of course they met in form on that fateful January morning, it was Paris where the two got even closer. Which was why Charlie knew he wanted to do it there, not to mention the fact that it's Paris aka the city of love, there isn't a more perfect place to do it. Charlie of course knew it was such a cliche, going to Paris to profess your love, but he didn't care.

It was now just after 4pm and Charlie was in the kitchen, making a cup of tea. Nick hadn't asked him to do this but Charlie knew the other always enjoyed a nice cuppa after work, especially on long days. He heard the keys jiggle in the door and then a voice.

"Hi love, I'm back!" Nick said, as he took off his work bag in the entrance way.

"Hi darling, I'm in the kitchen." Charlie says, yelling out to Nick. "Oh, hi there." He says as Nick comes up behind him, putting his arms around Charlie's waist and resting his head on his shoulder.

"How was your day?" Charlie asks, turning around and handing Nick his tea, giving him a kiss in the process.

"It was good! Exhausting, but good. At least there wasn't any more mums asking if I was single this time." Nick chuckled

Charlie smiled, remembering last year when Nick had come home, all disheveled from the numerous mums asking if he was single. He was never sure how to tell them that he was dating someone so he just kept it silent and accepted their unrelenting questions. Until this year when he brought in a picture of the two of them, which seemed to get the mums to stop asking questions.

"I do feel bad though," Nick continued, "We put all those sweets in the kids' goodie bags, they are gonna be so hyper."

"I guess we didn't think about that." Charlie laughs, "But I'm sure it's fine, it's summer so they're all probably going to run themselves out of energy soon enough."

It was early in the morning of the following day and Nick was in the kitchen, drinking coffee and making breakfast. Nick was always a morning person so he often took the time he had by himself in the morning to cook breakfast. The aroma of the cooking sausage and toast among other things must have wafted up to their bedroom because Charlie had come downstairs, his hair still messy from sleep.

"Good morning darling." Nick says, as Charlie comes into the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket he stole from their bed.

"Gmorning." Charlie says, somewhat mumbling and heading right to the coffee machine.

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