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The main characters of this story are a girl named Sofie Carlisle and Sodapop Curtis. This is an Outsiders fanfic, and if you haven't read "The Outsiders", I highly suggest you should. I'm going to try to update every day, and at the end of each page there will be an author's note (a/n). Characters directly from the book will have traits from the BOOK NOT THE MOVIE. My characters will be marked with an OG. I'm going to give you the character's traits below. 

Sofie Carlisle: Brown, wavy hair, tanned, green-brown eyes, naturally gorgeous, doesn't wear makeup and doesn't need to, 14 yrs old at the beginning of the story, b-day is July 3, has a younger sister, parents are dead from being shot, greaser, OG

Sodapop Curtis: Dark gold hair, chocolate brown eyes, "movie-star handsome", in love with flannel shirts, 14 yrs old at the beginning of the story, b-day is July 3 (same as Sofie), parents are still ALIVE (they'll die later, when he's 16", greaser, hotttt AF

Mallory Carlisle: light brown hair with a hint of red, younger sister of Sofie (see above), green-brown eyes, parents are dead, 12 yrs old when story starts, also naturally pretty and doesn't wear makeup, greaser, b-day is April 19, OG

Ponyboy Curtis: brown-red hair, green-gray eyes, 12 at start of story, younger brother of Sodapop (see above) greaser, b-day is January 7, cute (sorry but I love soda more, I am his wife after all - see my username)

Darrel (Darry) Curtis: brown hair, green-blue eyes, musclular, strong, 18 at start of story, brothers of Sodapop and Ponyboy,

Dallas Winston (for him I'm using the movie description): brown hair, brown eyes, greaser, 15 at start of story,

Steve Randle: black hair, gray eyes, greaser, 14 at start of story, Soda's bestie,

Keith (Two-Bit) Mathews: auburn hair, 16 at start of story, only wants hot blondes, greaser, in love w/ mickey mouse <- I put that for y'all,

Johnny Cade: black hair, tan, big black eyes, 14 at start of story, BFFs w/ Pony

Evangeline (Evie) Strutton: black hair, blue eyes, 14 at start of story, BFFs w/ Sofie, partly OG

Julie Ryder: 14 at start of story,blonde hair, blue eyes, BFFs w/ Sofie, OG

Makenzie Yarol: 14 at start of story, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, BFFs w/ Sofie, OG

Tatyana Trellis: 14 at start of story, blue and pink hair, gray eyes, OG

Sandy Williams: unnatural blonde, blue eyes, ugly but uses a shit-ton of makeup to cover it up, stuck-up, bratty, greaser, partly OG

a/n: ty sm for taking the time to read this! I'm going to try to update every day. pls keep reading! Also pls comment on this to support as well. I love reading yall's comments!

~ Julie

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