Chapter 5

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Soda was in the shower. I flopped down on his bed. I was so tired yet also so happy. I fell fast asleep in about 2 minutes.



*two years later* *this is in the future* *nothing important happened in these 2 years really*


Ring Ring Ring!

Sofie picked herself up from the armchair to answer the phone. She picked it up.

"This is the Curtis residence, how may I help you?"

She listened quietly. Her face was turning whiter by the second. 

"O-okay. I appreciate the call. Bye"

"Sof? What was that about?" I asked her.

"I- hang on, Darry needs to hear this first.

She talked to Darry for about 10 minutes before coming back out.

There were tear streaks on her face.

"Soda, I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it straight. On the phone, I got a call that your parents died in a car wreck", she said slowly and carefully.



"No", Soda choked out.

I gave him a moment to process. A tear escaped his eye. He whirled around, slamming his back against the wall. He sank to the floor, putting his head in his arms, pulling his knees up to his chest. His body shook with sobs. 

It broke me to see him like this. I sat down next to him, putting my arm around his shoulder.

He needed some time alone.

"I'm so sorry Soda, I know how you feel. But I'm here for you, okay? You don't have to do this alone. I love you, remember that".

I walked out of his room, tears cascading down my face. My poor Soda, why did this have to happen to him? And Pony still doesn't know. The poor soul is 14 years old!

I knocked on his door, with the sign saying, "Ponyboy's Room" in neat lettering.

Pony let me in. He looked at my face with concern in his eyes. "Sofie, what's the matter?"

"You should probably sit down for this"

He sat down at his desk. "I'm sitting". He was so innocent, it was adorable.

"Ponyboy, your parents were in a car accident on their way back here. The- they didn't make it, Pony, I'm sorry"

He looked shocked for a second, then angry. "How? Why? Why me? They can't be dead, you're lying!", he yelled at me. Then he broke into tears. 

I opened my arms, inviting him in for a hug. He took it, sobbing onto my shoulder. I held him. He  was like a younger brother to me. I hugged him for 5 minutes before he broke away.

"I'm going to give you some alone time, okay? I'm here for you Pony, you're not alone. Love you", I said, shutting the door quietly.



My parents were dead.

I was dead. Well, not actually. But I felt like it.

My parents were two of the most important people in my life, I couldn't live without them.

I had been in my room for a while, since Sofie told me the news. 

Someone entered the room. It was Darry.

"Hey, Pepsi-Cola", he said, using dad's nickname for me. "I'm your legal guardian now".

And he left. Strange. 



a/n- y'all i'm sorry but I had to. They needed to die for the story. please don't hate me


Question of the day:

What is your least favorite food and why?

Mine would have to be freezer chicken nuggets. I'm sorry but they taste so artificial. They always taste stale, and don't even get me started on the "meat". There's always chunks of rubbery God knows what in them, and I can't stand the smell or sight of them.


Quote of the day:

"This life. This night. Your story. Your pain. Your hope. It matters. All of it matters." 

- Jamie Tworkowski


Love y'all and remember you matter! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise! Stay gold!

- Julie

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