i'm not half as decent as you

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starring . . . harleen mccullough and vanessa savastano

trigger warnings : mommy issues , brief mention of arson

note : van belongs to vinny and mandy belongs to lottie 

vanessa wasn't sure if it was the smell of the swearing that woke her up, but all she knew is that she was awake in the dimly lit, shitty motel room and all she could hear was hushed, angry whispers and all she could smell was bleach chemicals

"f - fuck! fuck c - c'mon j - just a bit more! p - p - p - please..."

it didn't take a genius to figure out the stuttering whimpers and the dim light that was coming from bathroom was harleen. it's not like van could think of anyone else on their little escapade who'd be up at what was at least three in the morning to go cry and goof around in the bathroom

she pushed herself upright in the already incredibly uncomfortable bed she'd been laying in and awkwardly wandered over to the bathroom, squinting more the closer she got to the shitty florescent lights even though only one of the damn bulbs worked.

"dude ... what are doing?"

harleen honestly looked like some sad, fucked up cartoon character with how wide her eyes got when van stepped into the bathroom. she probably would've dropped the bottle of bleach in her hand had she not been clutching it in the world's tightest death grip

"'m - 'm - 'm just ..." her eyes dart frantically around the room, trying to look anywhere but van, though that didn't stop the other from looking at her.

harleen looked like shit, to put it as bluntly as possible, they all looked like shit, they'd been on the road for god knows how long, but harleen looked awful. maybe it was because of the constant ring of red around her eyes from how much she would curl in on herself and silently sob when she thought no one was looking. maybe it was because of the layers of tinfoil in her already damaged, dead looking hair, the bleaching that didn't quite reach her roots. maybe it was because the longer she frantically searched the bathroom for an excuse, the more she started to stutter, and the more her eyes turned glassy with tears.

"y - you c - caught me, 'm - 'm - 'm not a - an actual blonde" the smile on harley's face was anything but real, but at least she was doing sending her eyes in every direction but van's

vanessa just stared at her, not because the other girl had started crying, but because she was kind of just in disbelief. it wasn't that harley being a natural brunette was what shocked her, it was that she thought no one knew. she thought that it was some well kept secret, that it was something she had to get up in the middle of the night to bleach her roots to hide. it didn't take a whole lot of thought about harleen's damaged blonde hair and the fact that no one else in her family had hair lighter than dark chocolate.

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