The Arrow

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  • Dedicated to Broken Hearts Everywhere

An arrow struck my heart

Leaving me to despair

It was shot like a dart

My heart lies to be repaired.

I feel the blood stream out

My face begin to whiten

I try to scream and shout

But my jaw just starts to tighten.

I look in the mirror

What do I see?

I see the mirror get clearer

But there's no one looking back at me.

The mirrors lying

I'm still here

I'm not dying

Don't make me fear.

But that arrow was sharp

It hurt me so

I hear the sounds of a harp

It's time I must go.

That wasn't just any arrow

That arrow was love

Loved like a sparrow

Sent from the above.

Now my heart is hollow

Thanks to you

So it's you I must follow

If your love is really true.

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