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((it's not like perfect or long but ill be working on some other things too :) ))

The constant ticking of a clock somewhere in the distance, pepper-colored footsteps lightly tapping the floors as people moved their ways to and from each office building. The time couldn't go by any slower as Suguru sat lazily at his desk, his legs kicked out in front of him, crossing at the ankles. His arms rested lightly against the pads of the supports on the chair, and he ran a rugged hand down his face. He was a mess, to say the least, he was in a situation he seemingly couldn't get himself out of.

Frustration, pent-up sexual frustration, to say the least. Caused by one man that worked along side him. One man he desired for.

The door to his office swung open; the knob hitting the wall with a slam, making him lazily, but angrily look at the door to unleash hell's fury out on whoever just disturbed his last few minutes of work, although, when he looked up he was met with an ocean, seas splashing in a push-pull motion. Those sparkling orbs staring at him filled with unshed tears. Suguru couldn't help the anger that fueled his body as he seen the taller but slimmer boy silently let tears run down his face.

Calmly but curtly, he got up and gently ushered him in, softly shutting the door behind them, with a light click, unlike how it was open.

"Satoru.." He softly muttered, as the dusty white-haired boy pushed his head into Suguru's neck. Warm, wet tears fell into Suguru's shirt, soaking it, his skin becoming damp as well.

Suguru held the other man close, as close as possible, trying to calm him down. He soothingly rubbed his back, strong hands gently rubbed in circles.

Time had passed and Satoru had ended up only being sniffles and eye rubs. Suguru made his way back to his desk, Satoru now was sitting on the couch Suguru had in his office, sipping on some apple juice that he had gave him.

"Now," the dark-colored hair man spoke up, making Satoru's glistening eyes stare right into him.

Suguru gulped loudly. Probably loud enough for Satoru to hear. The softness of the lanky man's facial features, the brightness of his eyes that had just got done crying, and the feint red in his cheeks. Suguru wished he was the one to make him cry with his cock shoved down his t-

Suguru cleared his throat and hummed, shaking his head at his thoughts, and waited for a reply. The man across the room fidgeted with his nimble fingers, his face turning even more beet-colored when thinking about why he even made a mess of Suguru's shirt with his tears in the first place.

"I- um," he trailed off, now the tips of his ears becoming a deep shade of pink.

Suguru watched intently, studying his every move, he had an idea of what was making the lankier man frustrated, by the tent that was visible from his pants.

Suguru sighed, his hands reaching above him, stretching and letting out a small groan as his shirt came untucked and his stomach showed a little. He knew what he was doing, and he was going to enjoy it and take his time.

"Look at me," Suguru stated firmly, getting up from his chair and standing in front of the misty-eyed man. He wanted to ruin this man. He wanted to make him cry and beg to get more, to feel more. He wanted to leave bruises on his hips and marks up his chest.

"Now," Suguru continued, "why is such a pretty man like yourself crying?" He questioned, his tone full of flirtation as he lifted Satoru's chin with his thumb and index finger.

If Satoru was standing he definitely would have fell weak in the knees, the thought of his boss calling him pretty boy making his body hot all over. His skin felt like lava. And he felt the only way it could be cooled is if the stocky man in front of him touched him. Anywhere. Anything. He just wanted his touch.

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