part - 4

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Skowi sees as much as hkoni and hkoni sees as much as skowi sees. Skowi become more energetic and become more aware. She is doing every work with concentration. Work says thank you to skowi because she did that work. Her energy become so pure after meeting hkoni on internet, she was grateful for having internet in her life. Hkoni was her inspiration, she is not only one whose inspiration he but all others are attracted to him because of his look but skowi was not from them. Sometimes she questions herself why other don't see other things in him which are important than his look, through which they can learn new things and he's good at everything, it means there is no issue to what learn from him.


Hkoni and skowi put a seed in both of them when they first meet. In future, time will come when tree will grow and become beautiful, two trees two persons but root is one and root is in each other.

Right now skowi and hkoni are happy whatever happening with them but who know how long this happiness stays. Storms comes without any previous notice and storm might get jealous of them, who knows ... or it will be a happy ending.

East pole did his everyday work of showing sun but skowi and hkoni not able to see because they were still sleeping.

Sleep is different for everyone, some sleep because they never take a step to wake up early, some sleep because sleeping for long time becomes their habit and they are in relationship with this habit, and some beautiful and handsome, skowi and hkoni respectively, sleep because before sleeping they got a sweet talk with sweet person... by waking up they don't want to erase their sweet memorable movements.

"Romantic," No!

Sweet sleeping turned skowi to late comer in study point for the first time. It was some days passed she joined a study point to study. She does study by going their regularly, she believed in herself because hkoni was the only one who always show her path. Before, it was hard but now she can ask him any dough she have regarding her life and complications.

Still! She worries.

Her mother give skowi advice as a mother give to small child. Mother thinks skowi is a little child and she is not paying attention on her studies as a result she not getting marks to pass the exams.

Skowi is tired of studying because she has a dream.

"Telling mother about my dream is not a good idea right now because she not going to believe in my dream," only I believe in my dream no-one else.

"It hurts me a lot, when I'm trying to create my own world without anyone's help, why situation go against me" and my close one say me hey, "skowi nothing in private job you do a government job you will live a better life". Who tell them, "I don't want to do private not even government job. I can't imagine my future around people who know that they are not happy still doing that job by becoming a slave of their own life, how can I be happy working with such peoples. I have a dream," skowi said.


Skowi gave a nickname to hkoni, she calls him "home". As everyone feels protected and comforted in their own home, skowi feel same with hkoni.

There is no ruler, hkoni himself is ruler. Nobody dared to wake up him not he did. Here's a different view. It's not new, a special bond 'hkoni and his bed' shared from childhood.

If bed had a voice bed will say to hkoni's future wife, "before you, hkoni sleep at day, night, morning, midnight with countless milliseconds with me, he loves me more than you" he he.

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