tanjiro and kanao

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Tanjiro carefully carried Kanao in his arms, a look of determination etched on his face as he hurried to the infirmary. The worry in his eyes mirrored the urgency of the situation, his heart racing with concern for Kanao's well-being. Upon reaching the infirmary, he gently placed her in Shinobu's care, trusting in her healing abilities to mend Kanao's injuries.
In the quiet infirmary, Shinobu gently tended to Kanao's injuries with a focused determination. The soft glow of the lanterns illuminated the room, casting a calming light on the scene. Kanao lay still, her breathing steady but weak, as Shinobu worked with meticulous care. The delicate touch of Shinobu is healing hands brought a sense of comfort to Kanao, easing her pain and soothing her troubled mind. As the treatment continued, a sense of hope filled the room, a silent promise of recovery and renewal.
In the hallway just outside the infirmary, Tanjiro anxiously waited, their worry palpable in the air. Tanjiro's eyes never strayed from the door, his expression a mix of fear and hope. He waited, concern for Kanao's well-being.
Shinobu came out
Shinobu: "Kanao is going to be okay. She's resting now, but she'll recover."

Tanjiro: *with a mix of relief and gratitude* "Thank you, Shinobu-san . I need to see her."

Shinobu:"go ahead "

Tanjiro goes inside and sees kanao
Tanjiro: *rushing to Kanao's side, his eyes filled with relief* "Kanao, you're okay! I was so worried." *embracing her gently*

Kanao: *feeling Tanjiro's warmth, a soft smile gracing her lips* "Tanjiro, I'm glad you're here."

Tanjiro: *taking a deep breath, his voice filled with emotion* "Kanao, there's something I need to tell you. I... I love you."

Kanao:*blushing* me too

Tanjiro and Kanao, their hearts entwined, found solace in each other's presence. The infirmary's quietude was now filled with a sense of contentment and joy, as they embraced the happiness of their newfound bond. With a happy ending to their tumultuous journey, Tanjiro and Kanao stood together, their love shining brightly in the peaceful moment they shared.

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