1. The new employee

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Aarushi's Pov:-

The autumn we met felt like a lifetime compressed into fleeting moments. I remember the way his eyes lit up when he saw me, as if he had been waiting his whole life for our paths to cross.

Our love was intense, consuming, and all encompassing, as if we were trying to defy the very laws of the universe that kept pulling us apart.

We seemed close, yet were far apart, like distant stars in the sky. We were bound by gravity, yet the space between us was infinite.

Parallel lines, we ran side by side, yet never touched, never truly intersected. It was a cruel trick of fate, to be so close yet so unreachable.

He burned too brightly, like the sun. His passion and energy were overwhelming, drawing me in but also scorching me.

I was the morning star, beautiful yet fleeting, never able to match his intensity for long. I could not stay in his orbit without losing myself.

As the days passed, I withered in the heat of his love. It was too much, too overwhelming. And he, he watched helplessly as I slipped away, like falling leaves or sand through fingers.

Each moment we spent together felt like a grain of sand slipping through the hourglass, inevitable and unstoppable.

I often wonder if, in another universe, our similarities might have brought us together instead of driving us apart.

Maybe there, we would have been destined to endure, our bond strengthened by our likeness rather than strained by it.

But in this life, in this reality, our love was a beautiful yet tragic chapter that could not last.

As I look back, I realize that our time together was a lesson in the impermanence of things. It taught me to cherish the moments, to hold on to the memories even as they faded.

I will always remember the way he looked at me, the way we loved with such intensity. But I also understand now that not all loves are meant to last. Some are there to teach us, to shape us, to help us grow.

In the end, our bond was not destined to endure, but it left an indelible mark on my heart. And for that, I will always be grateful.

When I could write no more, I closed the diary and placed it in the side drawer of my bed. I laid down on the soft mattress, but sleep would not come.

No matter how comfortable the bed, there was no escaping the hurt. I had walked away from his life willingly, but it still cut so deeply.

Trust me, the ache never really goes away.

I tossed and turned, remembering all our moments together. The good times and the bad swirled in my mind until finally, mercifully, sleep consumed me.


I woke with a start to the harsh buzzing of my alarm clock. 6 am already. I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. No time to linger on the memories and dreams that had haunted me through the night.

I quickly freshened up and went to the kitchen. Cooking always helped clear my mind. I prepared a simple lunch to take to the office, carefully packing it up. For breakfast, I decided on some instant noodles fast and easy.

Once I had eaten and cleaned up, I double checked that I had everything ready for the day. Laptop, I pad, lunch bag.

I locked up the apartment and headed outside to hail a taxi. Another day, another routine to lose myself in. Hopefully it would keep my mind occupied, at least for a little while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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