Episode 2: The proper introduction part 2

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*Cat is walking the halls of Monster High all forlornly until Dr. Wolfen sees her*

Dr. Wolfen: hey! Cat!

Cat: Oh... hi..hi Dr. Wolfen.

Dr. Wolfen: How are you?

Cat: fine.... I guess...

Dr. Wolfen: you guess? Um is something the matter?

Cat: well..... um....

Dr. Wolfen: hey. Wanna go talk about it?

Cat: Um... sure.

*Dr. Wolfen nods and both her and Cat head over to her office.*

*In her office from the outside, Cat's Crying can be heard from the office with Dr. Wolfen calming her down.*

*Within the office*

Dr. Wolfen: It's ok Cat. Let it all out..

Cat: I... I just can't live with myself knowing it was my fault.

Dr. Wolfen: no... it's not your fault. It never was.
You were held back and injured.

Cat: but.. I

Dr. Wolfen: Cat. You can't be hung up on what you could've done to help him.

Cat: But how? He's all I see....

Dr. Wolfen: you miss him dearly. I know.

Cat: *sighs* I keep seeing him. Eyes devoid of life, bleeding everywhere, and a stake through his heart.

*Dr. Wolfen hugs Cat tightly*

Dr. Wolfen: Maybe that's a visual representation of you blaming yourself. But deep down you know it's not your fault.

*Cat looks down knowing she may be right*

Dr. Wolfen: it's ok to grieve for someone you held dearly. But it's not fair to him or you that you blame yourself.

*Cat begins to calm down*

Dr. Wolfen: Are you feeling better?

Cat: yeah.. I think so.

Dr. Wolfen: ok. But if you ever feel down, don't ever hesitate to talk to me. This is a safe space. And if I'm not there, there's always friends to turn to and other teachers. Heck even Headmisstress Bloodgood is someone to talk to.

Cat: ok.... I'll keep it in mind.

*Cat opens the door to exit*

Dr. Wolfen: Oh and Cat?

Cat: hm?

Dr. Wolfen: remember. Someone always cares.

*Cat nods and exits the office*

*Cat heads to her dorm and on the way encounters Neighthan, Avea and Bonita and Sireana Von Boo.*

Neighthan: Cat! We were just looking around for you

Cat: Oh.... Um hey again.

Neighthan: heya.

Cat: um who's your friend?

Neighthan: This is Sirena Von Boo. Sirena this Cat Von Crimson.

Cat: Hi......

Sirena: hello. How are you

Cat: fine I guess.

*.......yeah, still not fine......*

Neighthan: Are you ok?

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