(22) A Delicate Flower.

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Just as I processed the unsettling revelation about Eckles, a chubby, short man sauntered over, exuding an air of arrogance that made my skin crawl. His haughty demeanor clashed with the somber atmosphere of the hall.

'Not bothering to even put a mask on, how odd...'

Bun-Bun tensed on my shoulder, his whiskers twitching in discomfort as the man settled into the seat next to us.

Instinctively, I drew back, not wanting to draw attention to myself or anything. But the man's gaze lingered on us for a moment too long, a calculating glint in his eyes that sent a shiver of disgust down my spine.

"Ah, a fellow noble here,"

The arrogant man sneered condescendingly, treating me like an insect beneath his notice.

I wondered what this pompous fool could want with me or why he bothered speaking first place but curiosity led me onward anyway.

"Baron von Kri at your service."

There it was! His introduction came out smoothly and arrogance dripped from his voice like honey off a spoon.

At his words, my eyebrows furrowed deepening into an angry frown.

Anger boiled inside me; how dare he assume anything about me based solely on attire or lack thereof.

But staying calm proved crucial considering current circumstances so instead:

"Duke Cha."

Introduced myself stiffly while maintaining stoic composure - a mask worn thick to hide contempt simmering beneath surface.

Was this guy for real? A baron taunting a duke?!

Bear with him and learn more.

"If you've nothing better to do Baron, please excuse me,"

I interjected politely yet firmly, refusing to engage in banal conversation with him further.

His eyes narrowed in response but he didn't push the matter any further - for now.

As the wait continued, tension thickened air around us like fog rolling across a mountainside.

Finally after what seemed hours, distant thudding announced impending arrival onto stage by the backstage door.

People rustled within seats adjusting postures for optimal viewing angles while whispering ceased abruptly creating eerie silence.

And then it began...

The auctioneer's voice rang out, piercing through the hushed atmosphere like thunderbolt splitting clear blue sky

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The auctioneer's voice rang out, piercing through the hushed atmosphere like thunderbolt splitting clear blue sky.

The auctioneer's voice rang out, piercing through the hushed atmosphere like thunderbolt splitting clear blue sky

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